Claptrap's Robot Revolution, Part 1

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Owen and the others were headed towards a small building that Tannis had apparently gotten her hands on. A secret lab, as she called it. It has been a few weeks since they had gotten Atlas to flee the planet once again thanks to help from Athena. With their forces severely weakened, Athena set out to eradicate the last of them for revenge. So she'd wished her new allies goodbye before setting off to find the last of the Atlas corporation….
As they walked, Owen said, "hey guys? Any of you notice that Claptrap and all his buddies haven't been seen in a few weeks?"
Roland said, "yeah, it's a bit strange. They just up and vanished shortly after Atlas fled the planet again."
Mordecai said, "weird. I hadn't really noticed. I've been helping Dr. Zed on that weird zombie movie script he's been writing."
Brick asked, "the Zombie Island of Doctor Ned?"
Mordecai replied, "yep. It's kind of freaky."
Lilith said, "well, Zed is a freaky guy."
Owen said, "I just hope Claptrap's okay."
Mordecai commented, "I think you're the only one…."
The group then made it to Tannis' "secret lab."
She was muttering as she looked over a brain in a jar that sat on a shelf, "atomic batteries to power…. Turbines to speed…. Ooo, I wonder what this does?"
Roland said, "uh, Tannis?"
Tannis said, "huh? Oh, good! You're here. Welcome to my secret lab! Secret lair? Terror Pavilion? Yes, I like that one best. So, listen; I need your help to get some parts I need for something I'm building."
Mordecai asked, "what kind of parts?"
Tannis said, "Claptrap parts! I need them for a project I'm working on. It's totally legit and in no way morally reprehensible. You can find some if you head down to the Hyperion dump. There should be plenty of scrapped Claptraps ripe for the picking; sure are a lot more of the buggers puttering around in various places. But still, it'll be easier than stealing candy from a dead baby!"
With that horrific image in their heads, the group set off for the Hyperion Dump, wondering two things.
One: what the Hell were the Claptrap's up to?
And two: what was TANNIS up to?
As the group headed into the huge scrapyard that Hyperion dumped most of their junk, they heard a strange message blasting over the comms as they also saw a sign that read, "Viva la Robolution!"

"A message from your glorious leader: hath not a Claptrap an eye? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? Of course we don't! Because we're better than all you stinking fleshbags! But if you blow us up, shall we not…. REVENGE!? Viva la Robolution!"
Roland pointed out, "that sounded like a Claptrap unit saying all that."
Lilith asked, "are those little things trying to stage a revolution? Cause if they are…. Do they think they'll win?"
Owen said, "my guess is they got hacked or infected with a virus that made them start all this. Cause Claptrap, the one I call friend, ain't exactly the smartest or strongest robot, last I checked."
Mordecai said, "I got a feeling we'll get answers soon enough…."

The group made their way through the Hyperion Dump, retrieving parts listed from CL4P-TP units that were…. Less than alive.
But as they did this, they noticed a few active CL4P-TP units running around attacking bandits. Strange….
The group was about to find the last piece they needed when suddenly….
The group saw several Hyperion soldiers on the scene.
One said, "put down your weapons. Hyperion Corporation does not wish to harm them."
Owen asked, "who?"
The soldier said as he held a large shield and machine gun, "the company's property!"
He and his soldiers shot at the group, but they stood no chance against them.
Once they had the final piece they needed, the group began to head back to Tannis' lab, wondering just what the Hell was really going on with Hyperion and the CL4P-TPs?
The group returned to Tannis' with the parts.
Owen said, "here ya go, Tannis."
Tannis said, "fantastic! These parts should let me reroute the Omega 13 device to the snooze button without sacrificing the nuclear payload."
Brick said, "I'm just gonna pretend I understood what the heck she was saying."
Tannis said, "if you find any other parts, let me know."
The group nodded.
As they went to leave, they suddenly got a call from someone new on their comms.
It was a very thin man in a black suit, red tie, a blue dress shirt, and hair styled almost like devil horns.
He said in a British accent, "greetings. This is Mr. Blake, Senior VP in charge of Mercenary Relations and Tourism for the Hyperion Corporation. You know, the company whose troops you just ruthlessly slaughtered…."
Lilith said, "sorry, they shot first."
Mr. Blake said, "don't be. I like that; it shows initiative. Meet me at the Hyperion Tourist and Information Center, and I'll make it worth your while."
The call ended as the team looked at one another. This seemed like their chance to get some answers….
The group made it to the Hyperion Tourist and Information Center; basically a ghost town called Tartarus Station, except for a few shops being run there.
Including Marcus, who has greeted the group by saying, "it's a beautiful day on Pandora. Well, apart from the mechanical Armageddon…."
The group helped him retrieve some tires that had been stolen by the CL4P-TPs before heading to Mr. Blake's office.
The very thin man stood behind his desk as he said "well, if it isn't our little band of Crimson Corporate Raiders…."

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