Let's Build A Robot Army

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Pickle was right, the Skipper was indeed an AI. Her image on the screen of a computer was now green.

She said, "got it in one, kid. You're sharp. The Bosun, AKA: Keith, used to be an AI tech working for Dahl. He made me into…. This, after he, uh…. Wasn't exactly a hit with the ladies."
Nisha said, "I had a feeling he had more than a few screws loose."
Athena and the others nodded in agreement.
Wilhelm said, "the military grade AI core. Where is it?"
The Skipper said, "you're looking at it. I used to be a military grade, ran this ship when it meant something until the Bosun reprogrammed me to be his…. 'Companion.' if you want to plug me into something more interesting than this dead ship, I'm all yours. Too many terrible memories here."
Jack said over the ECHO, "what?! The hot chick's actually an ex-military AI reprogrammed to be some geek's fake girlfriend?! Sold! Grab the lovely lady and get going! We've got some friggin' robots to build."
Owen accessed the controls and opened the AI Hub, which allowed them to access the Skipper's core.
She said, "I'm ready. Yank me."
Nisha chuckled at the unintentional dirty phrase.
Owen took the liberty of removing the Skipper's AI core chip. He glanced at his drone. He knew that the AI chip Janey had built for him was smaller, but could hold an AI of virtually any size within it. For some reason, Owen had a feeling that would come in handy later.
That's when the group suddenly got a call from Lilith.
She said, "Jack? Owen? Athena? Claptrap even? Lilith here. Good news is we found an old Dahl robot factory, abandoned for the most part! We'll ECHO the team. Bad news is the scavs living there do NOT like us!"
Jack said, "hey, that's awesome! Apart from the you-being-shot-at-part, of course. Great work!"
Roland said, "uh, thanks! We'll be in touch once we've dealt with these guys. It's gonna be harder than it sounds!"
Jack said to the team, "alright team, you gotta get that factory's production line running again."
The Skipper said as Owen hooked her current AI chip to his belt, "I know the factory he's talking about. I can help you navigate it. First you'll need to catch a train…."
The group had made their way back to the Tridon Flats and to the train station. Another laser blast hit the moon along the way.
As the group arrived at the station, the Skipper explained, "this station hasn't been fully operational in a long time, but I can get it running again. There'll be a console around here somewhere. Get me to it and I'll do the rest."
The group proceeded into the train station after using their Stingray's to jump the gap there.
The group entered, passing a sign that read, "Lunar Junction."
The Skipper said, "I've been thinking…. Now that I'm free of…. Him. The future's so iridescently bright. A new life betokens a new name. Though I'm trying to think of one…."

Wilhelm said, "how about Military grade AI?"
The Skipper asked, ".... Anyone else have a name?"
Nisha suggested, "Jamie?"
The Skipper said, "I don't want to be confused for Janey Springs anytime soon."
Athena said, "Omega?"
The Skipper said, "no."
Claptrap said, "Veronica?"
The Skipper said, "hard pass."
Timothy suggested, "Scarlett?"
Nisha said, "nah, I already know a Scarlett. It would get confusing."
Owen said, "how about…. Felicity? It means happiness."
The Skipper said, "hmm…. Yes…. Yes! I quite like that one. From now on; I'm Felicity."
Owen said, "well, it's nice to have you on board, Felicity."
Felicity smiled as her image showed on the ECHO comm on Owen's hip.
The group made it to the controls for the train station as Felicity said, "okay, plug me in. I'll call the train. It might take a few minutes."
Owen plugged Felicity into the controls, and she got to work.
The system said, "ten-hut! Train incoming!"
Jack said, "okay, let's check out the factory and get things moving ASAP. We need mucho robot bodies if we're going to retake Helios and save the day and stuff, capiche?"
The group had to kill some hostile wildlife as they waited a few minutes for the train to arrive. And soon, the train arrived!
Felicity said, "here we are. All aboard!"
Owen unplugged Felicity from the train console and hooked her back onto his belt. The group then boarded the train and set off for the Titan Industrial Facility….
The group arrived at the facility, seeing it was very large…. And filled with Torks that had made the place their home.
Jack asked, "so, this is where we're gonna build the super-awesome robot army? Honestly, I'm a little, uh, disappointed."
Aurelia said, "don't look a gift skag in the mouth, darling."
Athena said, "never heard it put that way before, but she's right."
Felicity said, "indeed. Don't be a naysayer! Evidently this place became a regular ghost-town when Dahl packed up and left after the Crackening. But we just need to get to the power suit section and get things up and running again."
The group made their way to the Titan Robot Production Plant, killing the Torks that had infested the place along the way. They had to find another way inside when the door got jammed, but plugging Felicity into a console allowed them to open another door…. And kill more Torks. They also had to deal with some more Scavs as they made their way through a hallway and into another room. They gave Felicity access to another console in order to guide them on their way. They had to go a long way through the facility to get to the place where the bots were built, while dealing with a bunch of Scavs, turrets and Torks along the way. Another blast was fired at the moon as they first made their way through. Jack called them to see how the mission was going as the group used a jump pad to get into the area called the Stringray Facility. After making their way through a bunch of Scavs and Torks, and seeing another laser blast, they made it to the Stringray Factory Main Hall.
They then heard a new voice over the comms. A very nervous voice coming from a man named Gladstone. A very skinny man with spiky black hair, goggles and glasses, a robotic eye, pale skin, wearing a more scientific looking outfit.
He said, "hello! Uh, help?! I'm being held hostage in the main control room, just ahead of your current position! Any chance you could, you know, rescue me? The bloody scavs'll eat me when they realize I'm not what I say I am!"
The group knew they needed to help this guy, even if Wilhelm and Nisha seemed bored by the idea. So, they went ahead and cleared the scavs around the control room.
Once done with that, Gladstone said, "aw, thanks so much! Feels like I've been trapped here forever. Come on over, I'll open the door for you all."
The door opened up as the group walked in to meet Gladstone.

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