Talon of God

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The group decided to get help from their friends in Sanctuary.

First was Tannis.

Tannis said when they entered her lab, "though I generally have trouble verbalizing my thoughts into words that will not utterly confuse or nauseate you, I find my mental processes are now surprisingly focused. I have only two words for you; perhaps the most important two words ever spoken on Pandora: Kill. Jack. Here, this may help you in your efforts to put a hilariously large hole in Jack's face.”

Tannis gave Gaige a new and improved claw hand for Deathtrap. One that looked even more dangerous!

Next was Zed.

Dr. Zed said as they entered his clinic, "I ain't the best with words, but I just want ya to know I'm rootin' for ya out there. Jack kicked me outta my home back in Fyrestone. It's about time he got what's comin' to him. Here. Thought you could use this.”

Zed handed Maya a new shield that had a very interesting effect. It could cause bullets to ricochet back at the shooter!

Next was Scooter. He was in his garage, talking to Ellie on the ECHO.

Ellie said, "if those Vault Hunters come by, you make sure to give 'em my love, alright?

Scooter said, "what? Ew. I ain't gon' do that.”

Ellie said, "I mean wish 'em luck. Scooter.”

Scooter said, "oh. Okay. That makes more sense.

Ellie said, "hey, and if we don't get through this; if Jack wakes his Warrior or whatever? Tell ma…. Tell ma I love her.”

Scooter said, "Hell, girl, she already knows that. Catch-a-familial-reconcilatiooooon!”

Ellie asked, "why you always gotta do that?”

Scooter then noticed the others and said, "oh, hey, man; Ellie and I was just talkin' bout ya. Now you…. You make sure to come back alive, okay? If you can, come back with Jack's head on a pike, y'hear?”

Ellie said, “what Scooter said. I wanna hollow that sumbitch's gourd and eat nachos out of it.”

Axton laughed, “consider it done.”

Scooter said, "oh, nearly forgot, Ellie and I got somethin' for ya. Hope it helps.”

They handed Axton a new grenade mod. This one could cause the grenades to explode and send acidic shards at the enemy!

Next up was Hammerlock.

Hammerlock said as they approached him in Moxxi’s bar, "well, my old friends; I wish you the best. May you return from your quest with handsome blood on your hands, and a smile on your face! Oh, and lest I forget; here you are. Thought it could be of some use.”

Hammerlock gave Zer0 a new sniper rifle with all sorts of modifications to make it the deadliest one on Pandora.

Next was Moxxi, who smiled and said as they approached her, "I've had just about enough of that handsome jackass, sugar. Get rid of him, and you'll never pay for another drink again.”

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