A Train to Catch

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Angel said as the group, now with Roland in tow, got back to their technical and began driving back to Sanctuary, "you saved Roland! This planet's been waiting for heroes like you. Thank goodness Jack didn't send Wilhelm.”

Owen nodded and said, “I know. Even with all of us together, we'd be in deep shit…. Jack basically turned Wilhelm into an unstoppable robot with a human in the center….”

Axton said, “jeez. I hope we won't have to take on that guy.”

Roland said, “if you're lucky, you won't have to….”


Back at the Crimson Raiders HQ….

Lilith was pacing back and forth with a very worried expression.

That's when she saw Roland, Owen and the others enter the HQ.

She said, “oh thank God!”

She ran over and hugged Roland, who gave a very flustered look as Owen smirked.

Lilith separated and asked, “how the Hell did those bandits snag you, anyway?”

Roland said, "uh…. I was taking a leak and one of 'em knocked me out.”

Lilith said, "wow. You are a dumbass.”

Roland said, "yeah…. I, uh…. Yeah, heh. Total dumbass.”

Lilith said, "I was joking, dude. I'm happy to see you.”

Roland said, "oh, uh. Thanks.”

Lilith said, "this is where you say you're happy to see me, too.”

Roland said, "oh, uh. Right. I, uh- it's good to see you?”

Lilith said, "smooth.”

Owen chuckled and said, “you guys can make up after we kill Handsome Jackass.”

Roland said, "right, sorry. I'll be honest, soldiers: we're losing this war. We've been trying to stop Jack for years. Taking out his men, raiding his Eridium mines, but it hasn't been enough. But you six…. You met Jack and lived. You fought off the Rippers AND the Bloodshots, saved my ass and Lilith's….”

Lilith said, "thanks, by the way.”

Maya said, “any time.”

Roland said, "if we're going to survive this, we need your help. Now, we thought Jack wanted to open a Vault and use its power to wipe us off Pandora, but, thanks to some intel I stole from a Hyperion convoy, I found out…. We were wrong.”

Lilith asked, "what?”

Owen repeated, “what?”

Axton repeated, “what?”

Maya repeated, “what?”

Gaige repeated, “what?”

Zer0 repeated, “what?”

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