Slabs, Lynchwood and Party

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Owen walked outside of the HQ and saw the others approaching him.

Maya said, “we got the party ready for tonight.”

Owen nodded and said, “good. Cause we got another mission to complete before we party.”

He held up the note as Salvador asked, “what's with the note?”

Owen said, "we're going to deliver this note to a bandit leader known as the Slab King. He used to be part of the Crimson Raiders, until his methods got too brutal…. Roland didn't think ripping Hyperion officials limb from limb in front of their loved ones was an effective way to get intel. The Slab King disagreed. Still, he owes us a favor, and he can help us get past the bunker outside Control Core Angel.”

Krieg exclaimed, “slap the knight of koala bacon!”

Maya said, “I think he means, let's go find this guy….”


The group drove through the Highlands as Roland said, "Thousand Cuts is west of the Highlands. If you're looking for the Slab King, that's where he'll be. Be careful, though; he kinda…. Lost it after Hyperion killed his dog.”

Owen grimaced at the memory as they finally made it to the Thousand Cuts, crossing a wooden bridge as they came upon the entrance to a gigantic bandit camp called Slab Town, with the gigantic skull of a creature acting as the doorway.

Roland said, "Control Core Angel is at the top of that mountain over yonder. That's where the Vault Key's being held. The Slab King is up on the other cliff. He can help us get past the bunker outside the control core. Hopefully.”

The group carefully enters Slab Town as a bandit yelled, "intruders! We got intruders!”

That's when the Slab King appeared on the ECHO. He was a very muscular man wearing a leather jacket with the sleeves ripped off at the shoulders, a blue shirt, black pants and boots and makeshift knuckles dusters. He also wore a bandit mask with horns, and a necklace with a key and two dog paws on it….

The Slab King said in a familiar, dopey voice, "intruders, huh? Sounds like Hyperion sent more assassins! Alrights, boys: fight like badasses, or die like bitches!”

Roland said, "you'll have to fight through the Slabs to reach the King. Be careful.”

Owen said, “like every other bandit leader we fought over the years….”

The group pushes through Slab Town, fighting off the Slabs…. Which was incredibly easy, since they were dumber than a lobotomized skag! Helk, they even followed some arrows set up that pointed to the Slab King’s lair within Slab Town.

The Slab King said, "I tried to keep to myself, but nooo! You Hyperion bastards HAD to come after me! You just HAD to kill Dusty! You wanna treat me like a bandit, that's EXACTLY what I'm gonna be! Dusty was just a puppy! Almost as nice as my first dog! You let your boss know I'm gonna do to him exactly what his girlfriend did to Dusty! 'Cept slower. You-”

Axton yelled, “we're not from Hyperion!”

The Slab King said, "what do you MEAN they ain't from Hyperion? Ohhhh; must be a new recruit! Alright, boys, let's put 'em through the wringer!”

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