Rescue Mission

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Owen and the others regrouped after briefly spreading out to get a few supplies. Owen went back to the garage to run a quick diagnostic on Felicity. The others had taken a few weapons from the safe. And Salvador and Krieg got something to eat at a food vendor.

Once they regrouped, they headed for Frostburn Canyon….


The group arrived at Frostburn Canyon. The canyon had frozen waterfalls and icicles hanging from various areas.

Angel said, “the Firehawk should be around here somewhere. Stay alert.”

Owen said, “relax. Everything is gonna be fine.”

Axton said, “you're acting like you've met the Firehawk before.”

Owen smirked and criptically said, ‘you could say that….”

That's when the group noticed various Bloodshot bandits running around the canyon.

Angel said, “that's weird. The Bloodshot bandit clan seems to be attacking the Firehawk's lair. They've probably left landmarks for their reinforcements. Those should lead you to the Firehawk. That, or just…. Follow the screaming.”

Krieg exclaimed, “scream karaoke dokey!”

As the group continued onwards, taking on a few Bloodshots along the way, their leader named Flanksteak contacted them. He wore a strange, red spiked mask and jagged silver armor.

Flanksteak growled, “step off, Vault Hunters! This is between the Bloodshots and the Firehawk! Once my boys bring his ass back to me, he's gonna pay for every Bloodshot he killed! We're gonna string him up from his own freakin' intestines!

Angel said, “aell, that was…. Needlessly graphic.”

Salvador said, “yeah…. It was cool!”

The group continued forward, passing by flaming statues of a hawk-like bird and having to eradicate an entire camp of Bloodshots along the way, until they made it to a tunnel called Blacktoe Cavern.

Owen said, “this'll lead to the Firehawk's lair. This way.”

The group went down the tunnel as Angel said, “this is unusual. The Firehawk has harassed the Bloodshots for some time, but they never mounted such a large-scale assault on the Firehawk before. I wonder what's given them such confidence?”

Axton said, “who knows. These guys seem nuttier than Skag shit….”

Flanksteak yelled, “keep goin, Bloodshots! That demonic THING will rue the goddamn day it messed with us! We're gonna make The Firehawk choke to death on his own feces!”

Angel groaned, “dude. Ew.”

Handsome Jack said, “you think the Firehawk's got Roland, huh? Y'know, I heard the Firehawk liquefies bandits and drinks 'em like flesh smoothies. But nah, I'm sure your bandit pal Roland's just fine. Of course, if Roland hadn't been such a dumbass in the first place, he wouldn'ta- whoops! Almost spilled the secret!”

Maya said, “something tells me the Firehawk might not actually have Roland.”

Owen said, “you're definitely right. But still, we might as well make sure.”

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