Wildlife Preservation

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Roland said, "we'd all be dead if it weren't for you. But we need a plan. Jack's getting closer and closer to digging up the Warrior, and we still don't know where he's got the Vault Key stashed.”

Angel appeared on the screens around the room and said, “I can help you with that.”

Roland said, "you?! Dammit, we told you never to contact us again!”

Angel said, “will you please just hear me out-”

Lilith said, "sure, let's listen to the crazy computer that just tried to kill us. Hey, remember that time she told us the Vault was full of loot?”

Owen said, “yeah, honestly, why should we trust you again, Angel?”

Angel said, “it's with me! I'm charging the Vault Key!”

Roland said, ".... Continue.”

Angel said, “the Key naturally charges itself once every two hundred years. Jack is patient, but he's not that patient; he's been using my power to forcibly charge the Key with Eridium. If you find me, you find the Vault Key. The Vault Key is housed in my AI Control Core atop Thousand Cuts. It's protected by three impassable security hurdles.”

A hologram of where Angel and the key were being kept appeared over the table in the room.

Angel explained, “the first is a competitor deterrence field that will obliterate any non-Hyperion entity passing through it.”

Lilith asked, "competitor deterrence field? What, like, a death wall?”

Angel said, “it is a field of pure thermosonic energy programmed to atomize any unauthorized personnel.”

Roland said, "so, yeah. A death wall.”

Owen said, “can't be any more deadly than Knoxx’s armory, a robot revolution or facing a Vault Monster.”

A hologram of an advanced turret appeared.

Angel said, “beyond that lies the second hurdle: a defense bunker outfitted with the most high-tech weaponry Hyperion can afford.”

Axton said, "that doesn't sound good.”

A hologram of some sort of gate appeared.

Angel said, “past the bunker, you'll have to get through the final hurdle: a door that will only open for Handsome Jack.”

Maya said, "well that sounds even worse.”

Angel said, “this will be your only opportunity to steal the Vault Key and stop Jack from controlling the Warrior. I'm out of time; do what you will, but promise me this: no matter what happens, do NOT allow Lilith into my chambers.”

Angel vanished from all the screens.

Lilith asked, "what the Hell's that supposed to mean?”

Roland said, "if she was luring us into a trap, she would have made it sound a little bit possible.”

Lilith said, "if we're taking that bitch down, I'm coming; trap or not.”

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