Flynt and Steele

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After restocking their supplies at a vendor, the group continued to Baron Flynt's stronghold. The Thor. It was just like how Tannis described it. A giant abandoned digging machine.
The Baron then contacted them over the comms. He was a very skinny man with tan skin, short black hair and a brown poncho.
He said, "you've come! Excellent! I've been looking forward to this. My men are…. Impatient, but I shall savor this until your blood has soaked the sand and your carcasses are nothing but food for Rakk! Come get some…. Damn, I wish Zane and the others could've heard that…."
Brick yelled, "bring it on!"
This was right as several Outrunners attacked them! With Roland once again behind the wheel and the others providing cover fire, like clockwork, they took down all the runners.
Flynt said, "I see you've beaten a pathway to my door! How could I turn you away when you're so doggedly eager for death? Do come in. Enter my humble abode…."
The group got closer to the excavator, where the upper decks could then be accessed by riding an elevator up from directly beneath it.
They had to take out a few bandits first.
Once that was done, the five Vault Hunters got on the elevator and were taken to the upper decks slowly. Brick and Lilith started humming the elevator music as they rose up.
Flynt then said, "guests! Please, make yourselves at home. My men will be with you shortly. Never let it be said that the great Baron Flynt, brother to Captain Flynt, is short on hospitality!"
They reached their stop.

Flynt was sitting on his throne on an elevated platform, glaring down at the group with a big red arrow pointing at him from behind. He then pointed at them with a finger gun as he smoked a cigarette.

When the group steps away from the elevator, several building doors open, and Mutant Midget Psychos and regular sized psychos come pouring out of the woodwork!The group sprung into action, using all their skills to take them down one by one in tandem

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When the group steps away from the elevator, several building doors open, and Mutant Midget Psychos and regular sized psychos come pouring out of the woodwork!
The group sprung into action, using all their skills to take them down one by one in tandem.
After the first wave was dispatched, a second wave, which included a Badass psycho, began to attack!
Like before, the team worked together in order to take down the various bandits and psychos that attacked them.
With them taken care of as well, a third wave went on the attack.
This consisted of the two bodyguards of the Baron, Hanz and Franz, who rose out of the deck on a wide platform.
Franz is a tougher-than-usual badass bruiser who moved slowly while firing a machine gun, while Hanz rushed forward to attack with his giant sword as well as lob Proximity Mine grenades at anything that moved.
Brick began fighting Hanz, the two clashing weapons, with the others all working to take down Franz.
Hanz was relatively quick, and would rapidly close range with his targets. But Brick managed to be quicker, and quickly used his hammer to smash Hanz' head into mush as the others peppered Franz with bullets, sending him to the ground looking like a pile of bloody Swiss cheese.
Flynt yelled, "you've cost me a lot! But you're going to pay it all back…. With interest!"
Baron Flynt himself, along with a handful of regular bandits, presented the last fight on top of the Thor.
He jumped down as he and his bandits began shooting at the Vault Hunters.
They filtered down to the deck from the raised rear of the structure, some making the descent and others firing from above. The Baron wielded a Shotgun that fired a sustained burst of six rockets at a medium speed but with low accuracy.
The group quickly took cover and shot at the bandits while avoiding the shots from Flynt as best as they could.
One by one, each bandit fell until it was just Flynt.
As he shot wildly at them, causing numerous explosions, Mordecai quickly took aim and shot right down the barrel with pinpoint accuracy, causing the weapon to blow up, and leaving nothing of the Baron other than his legs that stood there still.
Brick yelled, "woo-hoo! We did it!"
Mordecai and Lilith high-fived.
Owen said, "nice! Now, let's grab the key piece…."
The group went up to the throne via some stairs and found a large chest filled with money, ammo and guns…. But no Vault Key fragment?
Brick said, "uh…. Where's the fragment?"
Mordecai said, "I don't see it. Maybe Flynt hid it somewhere else?"
Roland said, "I don't think that's the case…."
And who should call, but…. Commandant Steele.
She said, "listen up, mercs. There is no fourth key fragment. Tannis has joined us-"
Owen yelled, "bullshit! After all the help she gave us? Doesn't add up."
Steele said, ".... you called my bluff. Impressive. We forced Tannis to trick you into this wild chasing of the goose. But we now have possession of the completed key. We used Tannis and all of you to get what we wanted. You've ignored my orders, but I'll cut you a deal. Leave the planet now, and we won't pursue you. Do yourselves a favor, take advantage of my generosity while you still can. And further disobedience will cost you and the citizens of this planet dearly. This is no bluff. When Commandant Helga Steele wants something…. She gets what she wants…."

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