Mad Mel, New Haven and Tannis

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One mission to fix the fast travel stations later….

The group returned to Lucky at Ernest's place and informed him of the good news.

He said, "great, the Fast Travel system is back online! Hmm, don't you have a Fast Travel pass? I've got a few spares, you can have those. Now you can use Fast Travel! It lets you teleport to any station you've visited before. Anyways, I'm feelin' a little better now. Wanna rid the Headlands of Mad Mel?"

Brick said, "if it involves smashing heads, I'm all in!"

Owen said, "yeah, looks like we need to stop this Mad Mel guy if we wanna continue to New Haven."

Lucky said, "well, Mad Mel has blocked the road to New Haven, and he spends most of his time terrorizing the southern part of the Headland. He hardly ever comes up here. If you want him to face you, you'll need to get his attention first. What says 'I'm going to kick your ass' better than killing a bunch of his men and destroying a lot of his hardware?"

The group ended up splitting up. As Roland, Lilith and Owen used their vehicle to destroy a bunch of Mad Mel's runner patrols, Mordecai and Brick did a job for Ernest, hunting down a dangerous creature called "Skagzilla."

Once the team regrouped, Lucky told them it was time to take down Mad Mel.

Lucky said, "you've decimated the bandit fleet in this area, and Mad Mel must respond or his men will take it as a sign of weakness. Seek him out in the Dahl Headland and end him. Be careful. He is a lethal weapon in any vehicle. After he's dead, you can continue on your way to New Haven. Talk to the Claptrap at the gate so he'll let ya in."

Mordecai said, "consider Mad Mel already six feet under."

The group got into their vehicle and drove off. As they followed the coordinates to where Mad Mel was, Scooter called. 

He said, "okay, this Mad Mel guy, I know him. He's the one that's been stealing all my runners and puttin' them in the hands of those jagoffs you killed. Hey, you say hello from Scooter…. And by that, I mean you just go murder the crap out of him, alright?"

Lilith said, "consider it done, Scooter."

The group soon made it to a large abandoned arena of sorts, which they had to use a ramp to get in. Mad Mel soon came out in a runner of his own! He was dressed like most of the other psychopaths they'd fought among the bandits, aside from having a different mask with glowing purple lenses.

The team and the bandit leader began a furious fight. Roland used his above average driving skills as Brick and Owen manned the weapons. Mordecai took aim from one of the passenger's seats, shooting at Mad Mel's vehicle. 

Soon, they were able to blast Mad Mel and his runner into nothing but a large pile of scrap metal, burning rubber and blood.

Scooter congratulated, "we'll ho-freakin'-rag! Mad Mel is gone, bless his worthless piece-o-crap soul. You've become quite the little go-getter out there. Drop by my shop when you get to New Haven. I'd quite like to meet y'all in person."

Owen said, "we might just take you up on that offer, Scooter."

The group used another ramp to get out of the arena and drove down the road to the gates that lead to New Haven.

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