Heya, Handsome

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Jack said to the others as they all made it back to the command center, "alrighty, the bad guy's dead, we're about to save the moon and the Vault full of cool-ass alien stuff is, apparently, already open. Just shut down the laser and we can get to the fun part. Finding the Vault. Owen, I'll let you do the honors."
Owen went to shut down the laser, but he, as did most of the others, had a sneaking suspicion that Moxxi, Roland and Lilith had planned something. And Owen hoped it would work, whatever it was.
Owen initiated the reboot sequence as the console said, "reboot sequence activated. Command control reset. Rebooting in…. Five…. Four…. Three…. Two…. Shutdown aborted. Invalid energy configuration."
Jack groaned, "oh, great, what now?"
Owen, Athena, Claptrap, Timothy and Aurelia seemed to figure out what was going on.
And it was confirmed when Roland called, "Jack…. I'm sorry."
Lilith said, "I'm not!"
"Warning: singularity detected."
Some sort of strange energy began to emerge from the tip of the laser!
Jack yelled, "woah! What the Hell?!"
Wilhelm yelled, "what's going on?!"
Moxxi said, "good job, everybody."
Owen asked, "Moxxi? What did you have us do?"
Moxxi said, "I've got no hard feelings on anyone in that room except Jack. That's why I'm trying to betray and kill him. Two things I shoulda done a long time ago to the power-hungry psychopath."
Jack asked, "what do you mean, Moxxi? How did you even-!"
Moxxi said, "I've been watching you, Jack. And behind that smile…. Behind that hero complex…. There's something wrong about you. If you come down from Helios alive, a lot of people will live to regret it."
While Jack, Nisha and Wilhelm looked enraged, the others held oddly understanding looks. They had seen what Jack was turning into. It was only a matter of time before he turned Hyperion into the next Atlas. They just hoped they would survive the singularity as it ate up several parts of the station.
Jack started yelling, "no! No! Nonono! NO! Damnit, I TRUSTED you, Moxxi! Do you know what you've done?! You just killed us all!"
Moxxi said, "bye-bye…. Sugah."
Everyone closed their eyes tightly as a bright light filled the entire command center, and a loud noise rang out!
The light slowly faded as the singularity vanished. And with it; the Eye.
Jack coughed for a second before he growled, "damnit. DAMNIT! The EYE! That was ONE OF A KIND! The things I could have DONE! Friggin' liars! Friggin' COWARDS; They're no better than BANDITS!"
He spat the last word out as if it were the most vile thing in the world as he grabbed a chair and threw it through the window, which quickly sealed itself.
Jack growled, "in time…. We'll deal with 'em ALLLLLL in time…. But for now…. We just need to get to that Vault before they do…. Dumb bastards probably wanna destroy what's in there. Zarpedon said a 'tangle of chemical filth.' Did she mean Dahl's old Bakkaberk refinery site? Take five minutes to restock your ammo and shit, and then get back to the moon's surface and check it out. There's gotta be something there that'll lead us to the Vault…."
Tassiter asked over the comms, "what's going on up there, John? The readings we've-"
Jack yelled, "SHUT THE HELL UP, TASSITER! SHUT. THE HELL. UP. My ex-girlfriend and her two BFFs just tried to kill me, and the LAST thing I need right now is your senile ass WHINING IN MY EAR! If I get ONE more message from you that isn't 'addaboy, Jack!' or 'I'm sending you a big bag of money!' then I am gonna reach through my ECHO communicator and GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT WITH MY PINKIES! ARE WE CLEAR?!"
Tassiter said, "I…. Goodbye, John…."
The group went to go get geared up to find the Vault.
Timothy asked once he was alone with Athena, Owen, Felicity, Claptrap and Aurelia, "why don't you guys just leave? You saved the moon."
Athena said, "I don't leave a job half done. We were hired to find a Vault. We're gonna find to."
Aurelia said, "indeed. But rest assured, once the contract with Jack is up, which I guess involves one last small mission when the Vault is found, we're all out of here."
Owen said, "indeed. I'm gonna find Roland, Moxxi and Lilith when this is all over. Even though they're my friends…. I'm still pissed at them for pulling that stunt."
Claptrap said, "me too! Even if I sound pleasant about it!"
Timothy gave a small nod as he and everyone walked off.
Except for Owen.
He pressed a button for a private channel on his ECHO and said, "Roland…. Lilith? You there?"
Roland said, "sorry Owen. We wanted to warn you, but-"
Owen said, "save it. While I am pissed, I know why you guys did that. Jack has changed since I first met him. So once my contract with him is up, I'll meet you guys back on Pandora. Hope we don't have to fight at the Vault. Hopefully Brick and Mordecai are done with their hunting trip by the time this is all over."
Lilith said, "yeah, okay. And again…. We're sorry…."
Owen said, "mhmm", before ending the call. He turned to Felicity and said, "let's hope we get to the Vault and finish this other 'small mission' as soon as possible."
Felicity said, "agreed…. I can't stand being around that maniac…."
Owen sighed and nodded before they left to join the others….
The group had returned to the Tridon Flats, headed for the Vault on their Stingray's.
Jack fired a moonshot in order to clear their path through Bradman's Quarry and to Vorago Solitude.
As they went along, Jack said over the comms, "here's how it is. You search that site for a way into the Vault. We go there. We get what's inside it. And we use it to kill Lilith, Roland and ALLLLLL those sons of bitches."
Wilhelm said, "long as I get to be there when they die."
Nisha said, "same."
The others stayed silent as they continued to the dig site. They got calls from Janey, Pickle, Nurse Nina and Pops along the way, who were all making sure they were okay and thanking them for saving the moon. Janey especially thanked Athena and Owen.
The group had to take out what was left of the Lost Legion troops along the way. Jack sent a whole bunch of Loaders to help the group fight the last of the Lost Legion soldiers and get to the Vault. They made it to the excavation site, and had to face what Owen and his friends had once faced at the Vault on Pandora. Guardians. The spindly, robotic-esque creatures that stood in the way of the Vault Hunters and their quarry.
After dealing with a large number of them, they soon found an elevator room. During this, they heard Tassiter say that the board agreed with him about terminating Jack. Jack promised to make his death slow if he said another word. Tassiter said three more…. His death was gonna be agonizing….
The group made it to another part of the digsite called Outfall Pumping Station.
They met an injured soldier who said he gave up. Despite the fact that Wilhelm, Nisha and Jack wanted him dead, the others let him live.
But as they got near the entrance to the Vault, a Lost Legion starfighter began to attack!
Jack yelled, "kill them!"
Athena asked, "are you sure? We could probably run past and-"
Jack yelled, "no! You let your enemies live, they shoot you in the back! I don't want any surprises! I don't want any SURVIVORS! You blow that ship to Hell! And you do it Now!"
Wilhelm smirked and said, "I like the way you think."
Nisha said, "me too."
As the Lost Legion starfighter descended upon them, the Vault Hunters quickly sprang into action. Owen took aim with his laser rifle and blasted a barrage of energy at the ship, while Athena dodged and weaved around the vessel, using her shield to deflect incoming fire.

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