Chapter two

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Ohhhh,I woke up at the sound of my alarm..
What time is it.i murmured to my self not wanting to get up

6:30😱😱oh my God I'm late again!!
I screamed as I quickly ran to get dressed
After my daily routine of my dressing and light make up,I went downstairs to hit the welcoming aura of freshly made breakfast fast
One thing about my dad that you should know is that cooking is his speciality

Good morning dad.i said as I gave him a peck on his cheeks

Morning princess, hope you slept well

Yes I did.. yummy is that pancakes I'm seeing 😋😋😋 I said already serving myself

Just the way you like it. Dad said preparing my lunch

Daddddddd you know I'm not a child anymore I can always get lunch at the school's cafeteria.i said trying to act cute

I know but home made food are the best

Yeah,they are. I said and ate quietly after eating I waved my dad good bye and set out to go to school
Well not by any personal car tho,I still follow the bus dad won't get me a car till I'm 20,Duhhh 🙄🙄🙄that doesn't make sense again

I reached school and was smiling really hard can't wait to see my besties
I searched for them as I walked gently into the building when a familiar blue sea eyes and mine met as I smiled

Hey babe, I said as I hugged her

How you doing hope you had a lovely weekend I tried calling you but it never went through,jeez I missed you,I have a lot of things to tell you...

Woah wow don't tell me you didn't see my here. Kelvin said clearing his throat

Of course I saw u,was actually waiting for Kate to tell me all she had to say(seriously speaking,I had no idea he was behind Kate 😅😅)

Oops sorry did I forget to introduce them, wait....I think I did but all the same.
Meet Kate and kelvin my closet friends,my only friend by the way.

They have been my friends from kindergarten

don't just know how my life would have been without them

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