Chapter Eight

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  I met my dad in the sitting room smiling at me

Hi dad, good morning. I said hugging him

How are you my princess. He asked me

I'm fine

Guess what!! My dad said excitedly

Uhmmm my brother is coming soon?

No not that,but something else,my dad said

Arrrrgh what could that be?Dad I have no idea spill the bean. I said

Well I just got a new job in new Jersey
So we would be parking out next week Thursday. My dad said

What???? Dad am I supposed to be happy with this news?? What about me??my friends,my my graduation is on Thursday and what about college?

Princess, there are colleges there,you can pick which ever you want

No dad, I already planned on doing my college in the Cullen college,dad I think only you should go, I'll be fine okay?

Where would you stay,you know I'll be giving this house back to the government right. Dad asked worriedly

Mmm I think the Cullen would accept me fully, and dad my graduation is on Thursday, won't you be attending

Wow!!,my baby is now a lady
I'll see what I can do to attend and about your house,I'll sort things out okay? Dad assured me

Okay dad! You are the best. I said as I gave him a deep hug

It's okay darling, I understand but I already purchased your ticket as well but no problem as long as you are happy.

After sometime I stood up and went to my room then I called my brother,Kate, kelvin and Jayden about the latest development but I excluded the parking part, I wanted it to be a surprise for jayden

But looks like my brother already knew that we were packing so I didn't hid anything from him anyway

              DAY OF GRADUATION
Awwn dad I'm really going to miss you. I said taking my dad to the airport,his flight is actually 9:00pm and this is just 5:00pm
I told him to come and wait in my graduation but he bluntly refused saying he might get emotional

Are you sure you are going to be alright.Dad asked

Yes I'm ,sooo I'll get going you don't want me to miss my big day do you?

Bye princess,my dad said as he gave me his final hug

I boarded a taxi back,I couldn't wait to see my people
I wished I had just followed my dad that day,I wished I hadn't gone for that fucking graduation,I regret that day who knew that day would shatter two people

I wished dad had held me back for a little longer,I regreted going to school that day.

The day that was meant to be one of my happiest turned into the day I never wanted to remember

I wished I hadn't done what I did but I did it anyway.

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