Chapter Three

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I was sat on my chair, our first period was geography
Eesh borinnggggg😴😴😴

So catty, kelvin said we should hang out at the bookstore today.kate said excited

Really?the book store, what are we?? Bookworm???.I said doing a bored expression

Oh my...Kate said faking a heart break
Yunno I also told him same me🙃 but that guy is bent hell on going there, maybe a girl cut his attention or something

🤣🤣 Really??do you really believe that our kelvin is in love. I said laughing

JAYDEN IS COMING!!! A girl screamed while all the girls started adjusting their make up the boys ran to their seats so they won't fall victim

Ohhhh heree comes the guyy.Kate said smiling while I smirked

I raised my eyes to meet the warm green eyes I had always adored,he should be 6'1 tall with a muscular body which showed regular work out always take place,his hair neatly styled making him look so hot.Without being told y'all should have known that he is probably from a rich family,rich is an understatement this parents are madly, insanely rich like their money is unlimited. I'm not tryna put my self down but the shoe he wore today can cover up all my dad's life savings (dad I love you, don't feel too bad you don't expect me to lie do you?😹😹)

Hey babe. I heard His deep voice as he gave me a kiss

(ooops, sorryyyy I forgot to mention,he is my boo,so keep off okay, I forgot for a while that that hot dude is dating me!!!not like I'm bad myself or something)

I'm cool. I said blushing,eying those bitches looking at me like I stole their guy or something

Well before we could enter a conversation the teacher entered our class... with Kate already sleeping half way into the class, Jayden passed me a note
💭💭💭 Meet me at the school garden during break,gats something to show you 💭💭

I turned to nod my silly head as a sign of approval

Miss Cate,why isn't your attention in front of the class.the teacher asked

Shitt he caught me I have to think of a lie like real fast.
.......uhmmm because my pen fell down. I said showing him my pen and smiling cutely or should I say

(Heyyy Don't blame me okay)

Okam pay more attention then.the teacher said as he continues teaching..........

Bla bla bla..the coast...bla cliff....bla bla...shore...... okay class good bye for today

Finally!!!!!Kate and I shouted before the teacher left,he looked at us with I pity you guys kinda eye...

Babe are you guys quarrelling?Kate asked

Who? I asked feigning ignorance

Jay of course,why aren't you guys talking.she asked

We are talking, let me prove it to you....just as I was about to go,I sat down again.... wouldn't that be doing too much? I asked

No it's not,now go before someone else steels him.kate said as she carried her phone which symbolises end of discussion

I stood up and went to meet him

Hey babe,I asked as I hugged him and sat on his lap
(If I sat on that lap few months back,I should have been in my grave now,so I could understand why everyone looked jealous anytime I'm with Jayden)

Sweetie,I thought you were actually angry with me,I have been waiting for you to come meet me since.jayden whined

Why would I be,I can't be angry with you for long and you know that.i told him for the millionth time

I know darling,so I have been thinking

Ohhh about what? I asked excited, anytime he thinks he always bring up reasonable things up...well not all the time though

I think we should go on a date,he said

What?a date, like babe,we go on date like all the time and you know I'm an introvert,so I don't want to go on a date with you,I want to do something else

Something else like what,he smiled while asking

Maybe we play video game or something or we watch a movie at home

Hmm sounds cool but I'll do the picking of the movie,the one You selected last time almost gave me a heart attack

Lol baby,it's not my fault you are a scared ,so what do you want to tell me in the garden. I suddenly asked

It's almost break,I don't think the teacher would be able to make it again. Jayden told me

Yeah I think so,but I know what you tryna do I'm not leaving the classroom until I hear the break bell

Okay,I agree.jayden raised his hands in defeat as we laughed and chatted

Author:Heyyy how was the story hope I tried are you guys liking the book 🥺🥺🥺 please comment your thoughts to me

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