Chapter Ten

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        JAYDEN'S POV

Ten years later....

Heyy baby..I heard someone rubbed  my chest
I held the hand from going further
Get out. I said firmly

But baby it's too early.monica said

Will you shut up and get the fuck out of here and don't ever use your filty mouth to call me baby you whore . I spat irritated..

She keeply got dress,scared expression written all over her face.

I got out of bed,had my bath ,ate my breakfast of toast. I would have worked from home today but I have tons of work to do at the office.

My dad had given me whole authority over the company and all his enterprises. I'm now the CEO

I got to the office and met my cousins Justin and Alexander.

Hey bro, how you doing, Xander asked

I'm good. Thou I had a little bit hangover from Last night.I replied

That explains why you are late, Justin laughed even when I didn't see what was so funny

Bruh,I heard you brought a chick home last night.justin continued

Yeah,she irritates me as fuck
  As I was still talking my P.A walked in

Good morning sir.she said smiling not knowing what awaits her in the next two minutes
Just as she was about dropping the coffee on my table,she mistakenly spill it on the floor

Get out. I said gently

I'm so sorry sir,
She begged

You are fired get out right now don't make me repeat myself. I said as I continued working on my system

She left the room shamefully trying to ask Justin and Alexander for help but they know better than to help her.

Justin please call in my secretary

Few minutes later..
Selena walked in
Sir,you called me.she said gently

Yes I did . Find me a new P.A and a good one this time.i said

Sir,I got you one this morning,she just left here right now.she said..

I looked at her.
Would you get me one or you would follow her and get out from my company.l glared at her

Sorry sir,I'll do just that she said as she left

Bro, you have to move on. Justin said

Moved on from what. I asked

Catherine. Alexander chipped in

Arrrrgh and who gave you guys permission to say her name.what does she have to do with what happened right now. I said

Hmmmmmm.they both hmmed

Finnnnnnne I missed her,I know I act shitty and all that but I really missed her. I admitted

Do you still wish to meet her? Justin asked

Not after what she did to him. Alexander said angrily
Dude!!did you see your face?? And I couldn't talk to you for good four years,thanks to her.

She didn't do anything to me okay? what happened was recklessly caused by me don't drag her into this. I said and continue my work while showed conversation closed

Okay guys there is a party going on in the club tonight,who is interested. Justin asked trying to reduce the tension

Not me. I quickly said

I'm coming Alex said

Great!!! 2-1
Jayjay you are coming along

Jeez... fine,can we start our work now?
I said signing some documents.

Guys sorry for the short chapter
Hope I'm not disappointing you guys too much?

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