chapter Five

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I went out of the garden with Jayden but he was called by his dad and had to leave school
Okay so he isn't the only child but since his little sister isn't really socialable most people mistake him as an only child,I also mistook it initially.
His dad Mr.cullen has many enterprise,and as the heir Jayden is most times busy, I don't know how he is able to attend classes tho,he is a really smart one.
He is two years older than me,I'm his first girl friend or should I say first love ❤️🥰
How we met was actually really boring but I think I should share it.


So my dad promised to pick me after school,I had to wait in school alone after normal closing.
I was really hungry then, for the first time in my life I felt forgotten. When I realized my dad forgot me I had to leave the school,as I was going I heard a weired noise it was really loud but I had to go check what that was.
I stood transfixed on the floor when I first saw this heavenly creature, looking up at me I couldn't ulter any word.He stood up and came near me

What are you doing here, he asked

I gasped as I heard his deep voice
I.. I..I school here. I said

Well that's obvious,I meant what are you still doing here by this time. He asked about leaving me behind in the class

I ran up to follow him which was the best thing I ever did in my life,I will forever remember this moment.

Why you following me.he asked me as he stopped

I'm uhm please can you give me a ride,my dad wasn't able to make it today. I asked not sure if I was doing the right thing
Asking a complete stranger for a ride

And how is that supposed to be my headache,I'm neither a driver nor a friend so can you just piss off. He said as he entered his car,we already reached the garage then

I stood there as he entered his car and left me there
I almost cried as I was hungry,I bent down there and wept like a child


I felt someone opening the door as I looked up I didn't understand what I felt but it feels Soo good looking at me was a cute girl,I have seen a lot of cute girls but I was quite attracted to this one.

But the school closed a long time ago what is she still doing here
I stood up to go meet her

What are you doing here I asked her.

Was it fear I saw in her eyes or admiration

I..I..I school here..she answered

Her voice felt so lovely,I can't stay here any longer I just met a girl few minutes ago and I'm already falling for her,I haven't ever felt like this I'm my whole life

That's obvious I said as I left there immediately,she asked me for a drive but since I don't know her I left her there,I could swear I saw tears in her eyes as I left in my car.
I had already left the school premises when I pictured her face in my head
Jeez.. what the fuck is wrong with me
I turned back to school and yup she was actually crying,it broke me seeing her cry,how on earth am I attracted to someone I met few minutes ago
I stood out of the car to go meet me,she raised her head and I saw tears I felt like wiping them with my hands and hug her tight.

I'm sorry. I heard myself saying.what😯😯did I just say that??
Can you enter and give me your house location,I said as I stretched my hand to support her up but she stood up and hugged me

Thank you. I heard her say,she must be really weak from the way she spoke I knew it

We entered the car just mid way into our drive,I heard her stomach rumble. I looked at her direction but she looked away embarrassed,I smiled to myself

I know a restaurant nearby we can go there if you are interested.i suggested

No thanks,I'm fine (her stomach rumbled again)

Well your stomach isn't,I said as I made way to go to the restaurant.

We ordered food and ate,the way she ate was quite surprising,she sure eats alot
I watched her eat as I smiled to myself.after that I payed the bills and dropped her home but looks like her parents weren't around so I had to wait

Like what's wrong with me...

Few minutes later I saw a worried looking man running to our direction and the girl's eyes lit with happiness

Dad.she said as she ran and gave the man a hug

She is quite a hugger

You forgot me. I heard her whimper

No no princess,I swear it wasn't intentional. I'm just coming from your school,I thought I had lost you

Then the man looked up noticing me for the first time

And he must be your boyfriend right? He said coming to my direction smiling towards me

Thank you for taking care of her I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to her

You are welcome sir. I said smiling,one part of me was happy hearing him call me her boyfriend and I didn't want to correct him

He is not my boyfriend dad. The girl said coming closer to me. thank you for today I owe you one. She said as she left

As they turned to leave her dad winked at me....uhmmm what was that??...

Your boyfriend is quite a catch darling. I heard her dad say

He is not my boyfriend and dad I'm still mad at you for forgetting me

I smiled as I left there. While driving the only thing I could think of was the girl.
I don't know what I'm feeling but whatever it was I want to be with that  girl no matter what.

Guys this is my longest chapter so far tell me what you think.
Hope I'm not disappointing you guys too much

I love y'all 🥰🥰🥰

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