Chapter Eleven

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Ohhh God why?????I thought I promised myself never to return to this damn forsaken place
Arghhh dad do something!!!, I told my dad

Come on,you can't keep on running from the past l,you gotta move on. Dad said

So you want me to go back to where I got my heart broken. I asked shocked

Yes of course,you can't miss this big opportunity at least when you get there you can start thinking of starting a family. Dad said

Ohhh,dad you are funny,it's too early for that...I said laughing

     I had called Kate earlier to inform her of my coming back
So when I dropped down from the plane I saw her

Hiiiii. Kate said immediately she saw me
I thought I was never going to see you again,she said almost in tears

I'm sorry I said hugging her and we both ended up crying

We got to her house,oh yeah,I'm now her roomie

Catty this is a cute dog, what's it's name. Kate asked

Oh that's doughnut,I said suddenly remembering Jayden
(What 🤷🤷🤷 was I going to abandon that cute little thing)

Oh my world,it's sooo cute. By the way you coming to the club tonight,it's a must. Kate said with a stern face

Hell yeah!!!I really want to clear my mind. I said smiling trying to forget Jayden
I haven't gotten over him

Later in the night,we got ready. I wore a tight short gown above my knee bringing out my curves,I comb my hair.
And we got set to leave,in no time we are already in the club.
Immediately we entered,my favorite song started playing,both Kate and I got excited and went to the dance floor and started dancing.

        JAYDEN'S POV
Jeez.. I have been here for like an hour and I'm already tired.Sitting by the counter ,I saw a familiar 
Hair,I can remember that hair anywhere I see it,she was dancing with a strange guy and she was probably drunk.

I went to meet her to check the face but she excused herself and went towards the toilet.
I really wanted to see her face,I don't know why but I think she is the cat!

The guy she was dancing with was also in the toilet with her,so I rushed there.
I heard her voice,oh my!!it's her's.

Lemme alone, let me go. I heard the voice saying weakly
She sounds really drunk.

I turned to leave, that probably isn't cat, what is wrong with me...I said as I turned back

Please, help me. I heard the lady call out for help.

Arrghh seriously??I said as I turned opened the door grab the guy and punched him

She said let go! what's so hard there
I hate guys take advantage of ladies. I said still punching him,but he had already passed out.

Thank you.the lady said as I raised up my head to see her face
Her long hair covered her face,she was crying hardly which broke my heart, what is wrong with me,the only lady whose cry broke me isn't around,am I attracted to a stranger??

I used my hands to remove her hair from her face which sticked there due to her tears. She looked up at my

Oh my God,she is beautiful!!!

.it was her, right in front of me.
Cat my baby

Cat? I whispered softly before she passed out.


A Guy came to save me right before I got molested,I drank wayy too much. I was crying too ashamed to look at my helper right in the eyes
I felt his hands on my face as he removes my hair from my face,then I looked up and froze..

Was the last thing I remember saying before I passed out.

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