Chapter Twenty

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Few years later

Mommy mommy, grandma and aunty Jessy are here.Jordan said running to me happily

Grandma!!! Joy said running to give mrs.cullen a hug
While Jordan followed her and gave grandma a massive hug

Awwwn how are you doing mi amor. She said hugging them

We are fine

Aunt Jess mommy said she won't buy me a dress would you get me one? Joy said as she ran to meet her sweetest Aunt

Yeah sure I would,where is daddy....mrs.cullen asked

He went to pick grandpa,and grandpa and uncle chalos and aunty Kate and uncle kelvin. Jordan said happily as he ran to meet me smiling

I looked around and saw my family the ones I almost abandoned, well all things do happen for a reason.

.the end 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

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