Chapter fifteen

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Watching her brush away the question she asked me, I dropped the bomb

Cat starting from today you are going to be my P.A

Hahaha,I heard her laugh
Who?me?? Jayden Cullen when did I drop any of my documents here asking for a job. I heard her say

You don't need to drop one, from now on you work for me. I heard myself saying

Says who?

Says Jayden Cullen. I replied as she rolled her eyes then I hear her murmured who cares

Just for a month,I'll pay you for your service. I told her

And what did I ask you for money??

Cat don't get me wrong okay, please. I begged
Just sign the documents

Finnnnnnne but I'll read it first.she said as her eyes scanned the first page

Arghhh boring boring,she said as she skipped the pages and signed

After she signed I could not help myself as I ended up laughing hard

She looked at me with a confused expression

Do you know what you just signed?

Uhm yeah.i document of you giving me a job for a month

Did you read that well. I said as I smirked
You just signed a five year contract darling,he can quit,you can't run by away only I can free you

Whaaaaaaaatt,you criminal,how dare you,you tricked me

That's so sad baby,now get me a coffee. I said

No, have someone else do that. She said as she frowned her face

Okay I'll but only for today. I said as I had Selena do it.


arghhh where is the stupid person you sent to bring in our coffee. Cat hissed

I dunno. I replied without taking my eyes off my system

I'm coming she said standing up to probably go look for trouble.

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