Chapter Nine

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I went to the graduation premise which was done in the forbidden garden
Every where was bright, colorful and lovely. I saw Kate and kelvin and we hugged happily
I should have known happiness doesn't last long

I started asking of jayden,there I saw him looking breathe taken, I went to meet him
Hey..I smiled

Congratulations baby he said as he hugged me

Thanks. I smiled
Is anything wrong? I asked

No nope non. He said

Why you nervous then? I asked
Or do you want to tell me something

Yeah I want to,uhmmm...then his phone rung
Excuse me babe,I'll catch you up later,it's my dad has on the line

I excused myself and went to the toilet,I wished I hadn't gone to that toilet,I should have Just looked around for my bestie

I went to the toilet there I met bella,
Bella had always had a crush on Jayden,she went about spreading false rumors in the past,but here she was in the toilet with me
I should have known better when I saw her smiling hard. I don't know why she looked so happy but I didn't care,she isn't my problem

Hey, bella said walking in my direction..

Uhmm why is she talking to me?

Hi. I answered,I should have just walked out of the door now but I stayed

I told you I was going to get Jayden didn't I .bella said looking at me like a witch that she is

Bella please,I just came here for fun okay
Let me be, I don't care about what you think of okay. I said

Well too bad after today,I think that would be the end of your perfect relationship cause Jayden kissed me today on the lips. She said blushing

That I won't believe. I said having high hopes on Jayden,I know he loves me and won't do anything like that

Then take a look at this . Bella said showing me a picture of her Jayden hugging

Well that isn't a problem,I'm not against Jayden hugging anyone. I said walking out of the toilet

Then take a look at this bella said.

I should have just ignored her but I turned back ,she showed me a picture more pictures casual picture then she scrolled,my eyes almost popped out of their socket

Jayden and Bella kissed!!!!it was a peck or anything,they were actually kissing

No no no it's a lie, I said with tears in my eyes I couldn't take it anymore
I didn't know when tears dropped down
Bella and her crew walked out happily seeing my breaking
They were smiling, ofcouse they would
They got what they wanted,they are done with me

Jayden was cheating on me... should I go confront him?, No I would not do that,I saw the picture no need for any damn explanation.
No wonder he was so nervous maybe he wanted to break up with me.
I'll go meet my dad,thank God he had already purchased my ticket

I ran out of the toilet,our eyes locked, but I ignored his,he should have seen the tears cause his expression changed seeing me in tears but I didn't care,if it had been before I would have been happy having a guy who isn't happy seeing me in tears.
I entered a cab to my house, I checked the time it was just 8:25pm I still had time
I packed my loads and gave my neighbor a letter and some stuff to give Jayden when next she sees him.with that I went to the airport my dad was surprised to see me in tears

Princess what happened? He asked worriedly

I explained everything to him but he told me to go ask Jayden maybe he would explain things to me but I made up my mind already.its a no I'm not asking him anything

I'm sure Jayden can't do that but it's your choice okay,I won't force you😔 let's go it's time for our flight

I saw him kiss her dad,I saw him. I said and  cried harder

Are you sure you are doing the right thing. He asked

I nodded my head, broke sim and entered the plane. Good bye

           JAYDEN'S POV
I saw tears in her eyes, it broke me
I tried calling out to her but the crowd keep pushing us apart

I saw Kate her best friend
Have you seen cat? I asked

Nope,we thought she was with you. Kate answered

Something isn't right,cat won't leave the party without telling us. Kelvin said

I tried her line,it isn't connecting.kate shouted

I'm going to her house. I said running towards my car
We are coming with you, I heard Kate and Kelvin said behind me
They caught up with me then I zoomed off ,we got to her apartment but her neighbor gave me a note

Catherine asked me to give you this
  I collected it with my hands shaking
And opened it
        👉 JAYDEN with tears in my eyes I wrote this note , when you are reading this I'm on my way to New Jersey,I saw you checking!!!after all the promises you made.sorry I was supposed to give you doughnut but I couldn't, please take your mom's necklace cause I don't deserve it.bye😭😭👈

I threw the note
Oh my God!! I was cheating on her???I shouted ignoring both Kate and kelvin I entered my car and sped off really fast,faster than ever.

Esssssshhh guys😯 Jayden was cheating on her
But I think she should have waited for explaination tho🙃🙃

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