Chapter Eighteen

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      He left!!! He couldn't say sorry. But why should he tell me sorry? Why am I aggressive towards him ,he did tried to support me.

Jeez... what's wrong with me. I said as I went to the fridge to get a bottle of juice.

I was about putting on the television when I heard a knock on the door.

Huh why is he Bach early and who knocks on their door. I went to open the door. It wasn't Jayden but a lady.

Uhm good evening. I greeted

So it's true,you are the whore sleeping around Jayden right. The lady blasted

Excuse me? I said shocked
What the fuck is she talking about??

You are excused bitch. She said

Hey mind what you say okay? I won't have you talking to me in that manner especially when I don't know what you are talking about. I said slightly offended

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.
I'm Celine, Jayden's wife to be. I heard the strange lady say

I didn't know what came into me cause I started laughing which must have offended her cause the next thing I knew was a sharp pain on my Cheek,I wasn't conscious of colors around me cause I could only see totally darkness for a moment.

Did she just slap me??
When I raised my head she was gone already so I entered and wept bitterly cause I felt pain

I'm a strong girl,a really strong woman I shouldn't be seen crying. I tried to console myself but it didn't work. I broke down in tears

Ouch! It's hurts. I murmured

I was so into my tears that I didn't notice Jayden come in

Kneeling in front of me
What's wrong. He asked with concern written in his eyes

Oh you are back now. Hope you are happy. I said cleaning my eyes with my sleeves

What do you mean? Why should I be happy. He asked

Well your GIRLFRIEND I said stressing the girlfriend.
She came around,she slapped me,she called me a whore,she said she was your wife to be. I said shouting at Jayden,at least if I could not slap her back I should pour all my anger on Jayden

I don't understand. Jayden said
What are you saying? My who?
Who was that?

Well Celine came here..............,........,....... ......... ....................... ..  . .....................  ..................,..................................................................................................... ........................ .....................,...................................................................................................................................................... ..................................... ............................................................................................. that was why I was crying. I explained under one breath.

Ohhh my, I'm really sorry. I saw her ony way and I really don't know why she was here. And she is not my girlfriend nor my future wife. I'm sorry. Jayden apologize

Well I don't care okay!!!!!. I shouted

C'mon catty baby. Jayden said trying to reduce my anger

Don't catty baby me anymore, first it was your friends now your girlfriend or whatever. What have I done,why do you always like hurting me. I shouted the more

I said I'm sorry okay, but I don't understand why you still taking it so serious. He added

How would you understand, that's why you employed me right? So you could call your friends over to insult me and had your girlfriend call me names. I said harshly

Cat calm down, that's not what it looks like, I really don't know anything about any of those incident. He said and I could feel hurt in his voice

Then what does it look like?? Was it because I left you during graduation??? I couldn't sleep for months,after I found out you were cheating. I shouted the more bringing up the past

Jayden shouted. At least yours was for some months,I said I didn't plan whatever happened today. And I'm sorry for having this conversation with you.excuse me. He said as he opened the door angrily and left.

I sat down on the floor and cried myself to sleep..

    Four hours later

I woke up,it was already 11:47pm and Jayden wasn't back. I really offended him,I pushed him to the walls.he has never shouted on me before. I should have just believed him

Jayden I'm sorry, please come back home. I sobbed as I tried his number but he switched it off

I heard the door open forcefully, thinking it was Jayden I turned...

Mom? I asked shocked

You.. what are you doing in my son's house, leave this house right now. I heard her say

Mum please. I cried..

Don't call me mum,if you really regarded me as your mom you wouldn't have hurt my son emotionally and physically. Our relationship died the day you sent me back my necklace. Mrs. Cullen shouted...

I was shocked,the woman you loved it when I called her mum wasn't happy to see me.well I did abandoned them all

But he cheated on me, what would you have had me done. I said crying

Oh is that why you planned his accident?? She asked me

What??! what accident??? I asked surprised.

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