Chapter Twelve

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the one I have been looking for all my life is right in my arm,I carried her gently forgetting all what she made me pass through.

I called my cousins and told them I left the club
.I got home and laid cat in my own room, though I do bring girls over non of them has ever laid on the bed before, Catherine would be the first.
I packed her hair in a rough buns,I looked at her,she has really changed so beautiful and still innocent.
Oh my baby girl ,I really missed you
I whispered.

I kissed her face,went downstairs and called my nanny,an old woman of about 50 years,I told her to take care of cat very well.

She was shocked to see me so happy, well I don't blame her cause I don't remember when last I felt so happy.

I saw her shocked expression so I explained everything to her,and she was happy for me.


Ohhhh,so that's cat? No wonder you looked so happy, well let me not delay you. I said going to the room while Jayden went to his office

I have been his nanny for like 20 years now,I was away when cat visited them years back.

Jayden is really a sweet boy ,he really deserves love I knew all along he really liked that girl in his room cause in as much of him bringing different girls to his house,I knew that girl up there is really special cause she would be the first entering his room.

I entered his room and I set my eyes on the girl,she looks so Innocent,she is so cute no wonder Jayden is all crazy about her.

I'm so happy for him,the past few years he had been really moody but now cat is around I'm sure something is about to change for the best.

I then changed her clothes and left.

                           CATHERINE'S POV

Ahhh,my head hurts a lot. I said opening my eyes.
I must have drank a lot of alcohol last night. I yawned then suddenly looking around,
Where am I?

Heeeelllpppp!!! Someone please 🥺🥺🥺is anyone there??
I said sobbing,I have been kidnapped

I sat down on the bed ,I started crying
My dad ,he is going to be worried and Kate!
Oh my God! Is she alright. What the fuck happened last night. I said while trying to think
I couldn't get a clear picture of anything. Just then the door opened,I quickly carried a lamp beside me for defense then jayden entered.

Jayden??I said in shock as memories from last night flooded in.

          JAYDEN'S POV

I Opened the door and cat stood up picking a lamp,she suddenly started talking

Hey you??so you were the one who kidnapped me,why?you know I can file a case right?why am I in your house? what do you want from me?you could have just left me there.

And watch you being raped?! I asked

.it's not like it's your business is it? She fired back

I just stood there unable to move,she really have changed,she talks way too much now unlike before.
Then she suddenly sat down on the bed.
I went forward to meet her.

Hi. I said

I wanna go. She said without looking at my face which really hurt me

Go where? I feigned ignorance

Home of course,where else should I be right nowm she asked me

When did he come back and why?
I asked not knowing what to expect
Maybe I was expecting her to say she came back for me,I wanted her to hug me and cry in my arms telling me how much she missed me .

That's non of your business. I heard her say

Okay then looks like you are in love with my house, when you are ready to tell me why you are back you can leave. I said

Well I don't need you help,I can always call my friend.she said as she searched for something

I guess you might be looking for something,I said showing her her phone

Oh shit, give me back my phone.she said as she ran towards me in hurry I raised my hands so she had to jump to get her phone

And why am I wearing your clothes???she shouted suddenly realizing she wasn't in her clothes

She suddenly looked at what

What?? I asked surprised cause she was smiling anymore

You didn't do anything did you? She asked me

What??wait... what???
I suddenly realized what she meant
No no no I didn't do that did you really think that low of me? I asked as I saw her bend her head cause she felt ashamed of what she least she still think of me that way which kinda made me happy.

Arrrrgh,I really need my clothes can you please release it? She asked

What??? No!! I won't,it's too short,I won't have you walking around exposing your self for no reason. I declined

Huh..and how Is that supposed to concern you. She asked me

Then I thought of what to say but I couldn't,does it really concern me?? Am I supposed to tell her ofcouse it concerns me cause I love you?no she would probably think I am nuts

Nevermind. I said
I made way to the door and stopped before opening the door
Break fast is ready when ever you are ready you can come out. And I made preparation for your clothes,I really don't want you going out with that clothes,you can tag along to my office. I said as I left her there.

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