Chapter Four

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It was break time, finally!!!.
I left the class few minutes after Jayden left, while I was about going to the garden,mr.luke caught me going there

(Oh my God,I'm doomed, what was I thinking agreeing to meet Jay here, should I say I forgot that this place was strictly not a student lounge,I can't even think of anything right now, Jayden where are you???I cried silently in my mind)

Catherine what are you doing here?He asked me for the fifth time

Uhmmm,Ehmmm, like I was uhmmm, I started sweating

Catherine I asked you a question what are you doing here?you know you can be expelled for this right. Mr.luke said

I know, please don't report me,I don't want to be expelled,I have just few days before I graduate. I started begging, like I didn't know I could beg like this..

And why do you think I'll listen to your plea...he smiled stupidly

Cause she is with me.i heard a voice behind me

I turned and saw Jayden,ha! Thank goodness I was almost about to have a heart attack

Oh I'm sorry,I didn't know she was with you,I really am sorry. I heard Mr Luke begging as if he wasn't trying to threaten me few minutes back

And why do you think I'll listen to you. Jayden asked keeping a straight face because I'm sorry!!😭😭😭😭😭

Okay you can go.
Jayden released him as Mr Luke ran for dear life

Looking at me Jayden held my hands and led the way

Babe!!!!you almost got me expelled.i said boiling with rage

But you didn't get expelled that's the important thing.he said smiling

It's not something to smile about,uhmm Jay?

Yeah? He said looking at me

Don't you think we are doing a wrong thing cause I just fucking remembered that coming into this garden is a crime!!

Oh I forgot about that, don't be angry okay. He said trying to ease my tension

I know this is you dad's school but it doesn't mean I can do anything I like just because I'm dating you. I said

I'm sorry okay,he said bending a little to reach my height and kissed my forehead
Now are you ready?

I was born ready. I said as I smiled and gasped as Jayden shifted and for the first time I saw how the garden was decorated and lots of snakes were available most especially doughnuts!!!

It's beautiful.i said

Yeah it's but you are wayyy more beautiful than these. Jayden said trying to be romantic

I laughed,babe you know that pick up line was wack right

It was? I didn't know it sounded wayyy too cool to me though
By the way is this your first time here? Jayden asked

Yup. I said already eating

Babyyy you didn't even waited for already started eating

Sorry, come join me. I said as I shifted and we ate quietly.
After we had eaten we sat down and started conversing

Do you like dogs? I asked ( yeah.. I ask way too boring questions.heyy don't judge me okay?)

Nahh,not really

Oh okay. I said

What happened,do you need one? Jayden asked mean no, just asking haha. I said trying to make him forget the question

Come on,talk to me. Jayden said

Yes,I want one.i finally accepted 😔😔

Then why can't you tell me,we have been dating for more than a year now.why do you still find it difficult to ask me for something, aren't you free with me. Jayden said sadly

Of course I'm free with you and I really do love you,is just know what? just forget I asked you for a dog. I said..

No no no,this is the first thing you are asking from me today,I'll get it for you.

Really???. Thanks

Yeah,so my mom said I should invite you over for dinner this evening

This evening???,no no no tell me you are kidding

No I'm not. I'm dead serious, aren't you happy? He asked

Happy??? I'm not. I said

Really?oh I think I'll just turn mum request down then,but she really looked forward for today.she already bought special ingredients for today's dish,she wanted to make it herself after a long time,I should have asked you before accepting,I'm sorry. Jayden said

It's no biggie (I saw Jayden dailing his mom's number) what are you doing. I asked

I'm telling her to cancel today's dinner

No no don't do that,I'll come

Really??he asked so happy

Yeah,but I'll have to ask my dad first. I said

Oh that,I forgot to tell you,I already asked and he accepted

Really?He did?? I asked shocked

Yup so we are set for today right

Yes we are I said

(Dad really?? )

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