Chapter Seventeen

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   Cat we will be going back in the next ten minutes. Jayden said as he raised his head from his laptop

A-Okay . I answered him


We left the office and went shopping for me though,I had to buy clothes and shoes. Then he gave me back my phone.

I don't want that one. I said

You don't need what? Jayden asked me confused

The phone. I answered

Then buy a new one, that's not my problem

Won't you buy one for me? I asked him looking at him slyly

Yeah,I won't. Your phone is perfectly fine. He said

Then we won't be leaving here then. I said as I sat on the floor

C'mon cat, stop acting like a child. Get up

              No response

You know you are embarrassing me right? Jayden asked me when he saw crowd building up
Finnnnnnne I'll buy it just stand up.take my card
He said as he went back to his car to wait for me..

Happily I went to the apple section and I got my self one.
When I got home, I had to go take my bath and ate alone since Jayden didn't come to the table. Before sleeping I made sure to call Kate and dad.

But Jayden had already informed them I was with him
No wonder he was not bothered

            JAYDEN'S POV

It's been a month Catherine had been with me,I made her office beside mine ,in my office in sane words though.

Justin and Alexander

Bro hope what I heard isn't true. Justin said angrily as he walked in which made Catherine look up.

Woah speaking of the devil,no need to answer that anymore, what is she doing here. Justin asked gesturing to cat

What do you mean by that,she works here. I answered them knowing fully well what they meant

Oh no wonder she is able to last longer than a week, I think I know why. Jayden are you dumb or something. I heard Justin said which made me look up

Mind your language okay,I won't tolerate that. I said

Sorry. Justin apologize

Good day. I heard cat greet

Don't greet us. Alexander answered rudely

Ooops! I'm sorry then. She said as she continued her work

Hey guys I won't have any of you talk to my staff anyhow,if you have a problem with me tell me. I said sternly

Well we don't have a problem with you the only person we have a problem with knows herself. Justin said looking at cat

Does mom know. Alex asked

No yet and non of you are going to tell her okay. I said

Fine but why is she back I thought she left.justin said

Uhmm guys I'm right here. Cat entered

We know so shut the fuck up!!!!. Both Alex and just shouted rudely

Fine! Cat shouted going towards the door and left

Guys if she goes this time and never comes back I'll never forgive you guys.

She left and came back.yes! But how are you sure she came back cause she missed you. I'm sure you binded her her with a stupid contract, that's the only thing that came to my mind and I'm sure that's what happened. Alexander said

Bro,we saying all these things cause we really care about you. Please be careful. Justin said as he left my office followed by Alexander an hour later.

Uhm cat let's get going. I said as I stood up

Cat didn't say anything but she stood up and went out and waited for my car to arrive.

After I collected my key and we are in the car,our ride home was quite.nanny jhay was in the hospital and won't be back until a week later.
And since I didn't keep any maid at home as mom wanted me to. Meaning it was only cat and I that was around.

After I freshened up,I went to my office to round up something. I couldn't find my flash drive.

Shit, I forgot it in my office.

I went towards the door and saw cat sitting down

Cat I'm coming I need to go get something.i said but she didn't reply me,I'll get to talk to her when I come back cause I can't continue with her being quiet with me.

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