Chapter Seven

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Then I locked eyes with the mom,she is so pretty and Small,I guess she sure knows how to maintain her self.

Awwwwn,is that her? I heard her say as she hugged me
I smiled and greeted
Good evening mom and dad.

Awwwww she called me mom.she said as she hugged her son and whispered. I love her

I could see Jayden smiling

How are you dear. Mr.cullen said for the first time

I'm well sir

Ohhh, enough of the Introduction can we just eat before the food gets cold. Jessy said pointing to the food
Then we all went Mrs Cullen insisted I sat close to her.
After eating I thanked them for inviting me

Mom thanks for the food I heard of the stress you had to go through to prepare the food. I really enjoyed the meal

It's no biggie sweet heart,it's already late would you mind spending the night here

Uhm,my dad would be worried. I said

Don't worry about that I'll give him a call. Jayden said,after he called my dad,my dad agreed. weird

So I was to sleep in Jayden's room,I got there,I told him to gimme one of his top since I couldn't sleep in my outfit he gave me one of his PJs then excused himself..

I had my bath and wore the clothes right before he entered

Wooah isn't it too big for you. He laughed

It sure is but I don't have a choice. I said jumping on him on the bed

Sorry about my sister being too clingy. He apologized

Really??!why you apologizing,I like her like that

I'm actually surprised she doesn't act like that to others

Others? I asked
Like your other girlfriends??!

No no no like people she haven't met before
You know you are my first and my last right 🙃. Jayden said convincingly while I blushed

Yenyenyen. I laughed

Then we heard a knock on the door before we could reply Mrs.cullen entered

Hi,I'm sorry for disturbing but I came to see you sweetie. She said sitting next to me on the bed

Oh, hope all is well. I asked

Yeah sure,so how are you doing.she asked

I'm fine mom. I smiled

Hope you enjoyed your meal..
Mom can you please go straight to the point? I need to sleep.jayden cut his mum mid way to her speech

Oh yeah right (turning to me) actually I came to give this.she said giving me a small box. This is Jayden's dad mom's,she gave it to me and now I'm giving it you. She smiled

I opened it
It's beautiful,I gasped.Are you sure you really want me to hold this,we are just meeting for the first time. I asked

Yeah I really want you to have this,I have never seen my son so happy like this.she said smiling close to tears

Thanks,I appreciate. I said accepting the gift

You are welcome sweetie,good night.
She kissed my cheeks

Muuum what of mine. Jayden said pouting

I was just coming to you big man.she said as she went up to him and kissed his fore head
Good night.

She left

Awwwn isn't it beautiful. I asked showing Jayden my necklace

It sure is. Jayden smiled

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