Chapter Thirteen

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Arghhh,who does he think he is? I'M so tired and hungry. I said as I heard a knock on my door, after giving the person permission an old lady walked in holding some clothes.

Take this. She said smiling as she dropped the clothes by the side of the bed

Thank you ma'am. I appreciated.

I don't know who you are but who ever you are I want to say a big thank you.

For what?I asked

For coming back into Jayden's life,for the past few years I haven't seen him look so happy,you have brought back happiness to my jayden.she said smiling

Thanks. I replied as I smiled,uhm I don't know this old lady what the fuck is she talking about,me bringing joy into his life.

Cat!!! Make sure you dressed in the next one hour cause I won't be late cause of you. I heard Jayden shouting while the nanny laughed

Lemme alone!!!,I haven't even eaten. I said rubbing my tummy,I sure am hungry

Oh, I'm sorry about that I'll go get you your food. Nanny said as she turned to leave

No ma'am that isn't necessary I'll just get something on the way,I'll go have my bath now. I said as I stood up while nanny left

    After bathing I went to the palor after missing so many turns and waited for Jayden

Arghhh I really needed to get back to Kate and dad they must have been really worried,I'll call them later even if it means buying a new phone. I heard someone walked in I looked up and saw Jayden

He really changed,he got more handsome,his eyes still captivates me. I really missed him,I knew walking out that day was a really stupid idea.
Standing right in front of me was a sexy guy about 6'6 ,he still does his hair stylishly,he was really breathe taken,I wanted to run into his arm and hit him so hard for not trying to find me for the past ten years.

Hmm hmm.i heard him cleared his throat while I looked up.
Looks like someone is checking me out. He said grinin

What?? No no I wasn't doing that,jeez... Why would I. I said trying to cover up which I knew was of no use cause he already caught me doing it.

We got to the massive building
Woah, I didn't know when it slipped out of my mouth.

I entered the building walking Hand in hand with Jayden the staffs gathered around as we can and started greeting but it doesn't look like Jayden was one to answer them

Morning, morning. I said as I waved the staffs while I followed Jayden

I could feel Jayden looking at me smiling so I looked up and frowned at him and rolledy eyes. all the staffs looked shocked with my reaction.

We reached what I would call the biggest room in the block, Jayden opened the office,yup that's his office,I thought as I went to sit on his chair,then started spinning round and round.

If Jayden doesn't want to release me then he should be in for some disturbance.

Cat, that's my chair,get up. I heard him say

I scoffed.and why should I do that

Cause I say so. He replied trying to be savage

No,I won't. I said as I continued spinning

Fine!!I'll just sit down right here,he said pointing to the chair In front of me

Suit yourself. I said before I heard him calling his secretary,she ran into the office before he could finish talking,eeesh she must really be scared of him,well most people here are scared of him so I couldn't miss the shocked expression she gave me when she saw me sitting on her CEO seat.

Good morning sir,she said staring on the floor

The P.A I told you to get , forget about it. I heard him telling her

Arghhh boring, Jayden give me your phone. I said cutting him mid way

Cat I'm talking okay,not now. He replied

I'm not blind that's obvious, just gimme the phone. I said as he looked at me,then finally gave it to me.
He continued talking

Not wanting to bother him anymore,I opened his phone but it needed a password

Damn! Why does he still need security for a phone.
Well let me try

While we were still in school,I made him put my birthday date as his password but I guessed he might have changed it but I decided to give it a try.
Wow!!it opened. I looked up and gave him a sweet smile,I didn't realized I was still smiling when I heard him talk

What. He asked me

You didn't change my date, why? I asked

Hahaha, what am I doing, nevermind okay?

I said as I played games on his phone
I had to install the game,this guy is boring as hell.

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