Chapter sixteen

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    I got out of Jayden's office so suffocating to look for our coffee, when I met a young man picking up broken piece of glass, I went to help him

Hey. I said

Heyy, thanks I'm Dave by the way. He said smiling

Cat,I'm actually new here. I said

Really?? Same, I actually started work here yesterday,my mom is actually sick and I really want to give this work my best,they really pay well here you see but if I can find a way of not crossing paths with the CEO,I'm okay

Smiles,he isn't that bad you know. I said trying to support Jayden a little bit

You think? He said as we ended up laughing together.

And what do you think you are doing here laughing when you have work to do. I heard a familiar voice,I turned back and saw Jayden

I'm sorry. I said thinking he was talk to me but I looked at him and saw him killing Dave with his eyes

I'm sorry. Dave whispered in fear

You are fired. Get out. Jayden said as he turned

Dave looked at me with pity in his eyes as he set to leave. I held his hand

No!you can't do that. I said to Jayden
Leaving all the staff member surprised

And why is that?? Jayden asked

Cause if you fire him,I quit. I shouted

Fine but this is his last chance,he can stay but if he does anything else he leaves. Jayden said as he left.

I was about to go when I heard a happy thank you from Dave.
It's not a problem, I said as I left to meet Jayden

Thanks for that. I said as I smiled toward him

Don't keep on doing that cause next time you do that I won't listen to you,and don't even think cause you threaten me That's why I changed my mind. You haven't forgotten our deal have you?
Jayden asked.

Ofcouse I haven't. I said as I sat down

Uhm Jayden? I called


Why?? I asked

Why what. He asked staring at me this time

Why did you change. I asked

What do you mean

You know what I mean so don't ask me that

No I don't know what you mean and I won't encourage such petty conversation.give Selena these files

Okay,I said as I collected the file and sent the to Selena.

Looks like I won't find the answer I'm looking for today.

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