Chapter 1- Meeting

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Luke's pov:

I was out shopping when I saw him. You see after an audition I like to treat myself and I though after flying all the way from Texas I deserved quite a big treat. My agent had called me a month ago and said there was a casting call for a new show and the director wanted me to play the protagonist - the audition was a formality.

So while I was walking around a large shopping centre carrying two bags full to the brim with clothes and chocolate I saw him out of the corner of my eye. It was Din Djarin, my favourite voice actor, standing in the middle of a toy shop.

He had always been my favourite and now he was standing a mere ten metres away from me. My gut wanted me to leap over the fake plants inconveniently placed in the middle of the walk way and rush over to him and say hi. However reason did have to win and so I slowly made my way over to the toy shop.

I walked around slowly as if I was browsing when I reached the toy car isle where he was standing. I 'accidentally' knocked into him making him drop the toy car he was holding. "Oh sorry let me get that for you." I reached down picking the toy car up. Success!

"Oh... um... wow thank you?" He nervously glanced around. Wow?

"Oh my god I didn't recognise you at first," complete bullshit, "Your Din Djarin!" I exclaimed, "I am such a big fan." I was internally kicking myself.

I watched his face grow shocked, "Yes I- your Luke Skywalker." He said dead pan.

"Yes I am? You know me?" I asked. It blew my mind how someone I admired so much new who I was.

He nodded his head quickly, "Of course I do. Who doesn't? Your Luke Skywalker." He said. "The real question is how do you know me?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't I? You are litterally like the best voice actor of all time!" I exclmaied.

However, our conversation was interrupted by the flash of a camera to out right. Both our heads snapped to the side to see two paparazzi. I rolled my eyes and pinched my brow bone looking up at Din, "I don't want to deal with this today." I groaned. All I had gotten since I arrived here was paparazzi, the airport, the plane, my hotel room. Everywhere.

"Then lets do a runner." He suggested and shrugged.

I raised my brows in shock, "Just run away?" I asked as I saw more paparazzi gathering.

He nodded, "Yeah follow me." He gripped my wrist and we began running. We sprinted through the staff exit doors (which we are probably not meant to do) and tried to make our way through the winding, weirdly tight, corridors.

When we emerged from them into the outside world we were on the car park of the shooing centre and there were more paparazzi waiting for us there. He tugged me to the left as we sprinted away and cameras flashed.

We were now both in fits of laughter at how silly this all was. As a few paparazzi with their stupidly bright cameras attempted to run after us I shouted, "I wonder how they found us?!"

Din looked back at me and laughed, "Probably twitter lets be real." He yelled back.

I laughed along with him, "Yeah probably."

We had now only one paparazzi trialing behind us as Din pulled me into what I assume to be his car. He quickly started the engine putting his seatbelt on and speeding away. As we drove I put my seatbelt on too.

"What were you doing in a toy shop?" I asked him.

"I don't like being away from my kid because of work at all so I always get him a toy car for being so understanding." He said. I didn't know he had a kid but then  again no one knew anything about him, he was very private and refused to do interviews. "I'll have to go back and get him a toy car some other time." He shrugged.

Thats when I resized I was gripping something strongly, "I don't think you'll have to." I held up the toy car that I had picked up earlier.

He laughed, "Stealing? I didn't know you would stoop that low." He joked, "No I'm kidding, thank you so much," he took the car out of my hand, "He is going to be so happy."

Driving through cold miserable New York at this speed made it seem beautiful. I mesmerised looking at the blur outside of the window. Din had noticed this and said, "Nice right?" He smiled as he drove.

I looked back at him, "Beautiful. I'm starting to enjoy it here more than I thought I would." I smiled sitting back and looking straight.

"Once you find a few cool spots it gets a lot better. Feels like something only you know about." He smiled thinking about it, "What are you doing in New York anyway?" He asked.

"An audition." I said, "Im not really allowed to tell anyone more than that though." I sighed. Actors are never allowed to reveal any of their jobs ever.

Din snickered, "I feel you there." He quickly glanced at me, "Where am I going you then?" He handed me his phone which had the sat nav on.

I quickly typed in the address of my hotel and handed it back to him. He slowed down at the stop light and then took a look at the sat nav, "Oh thats a nice hotel, I know the owner she's lovely." He smiled.

The radio played as he drove me to my hotel, honestly never thought I would say that about my first meeting with Din Djarin but... I'm kidding!

I was having such a good time that I deflated when we approached my hotel. He slowed down and parked and the looked at me, "Here we are!" He smiled sweetly.

I smiled back at him, "Yep!" I avoided his gaze for a second and then said, "Hey can I have your number?" I asked. Was this weird? Asking for a celebrities  phone number? No... we are both celebrities.

He grinned, "Yes of course!" He was so positive. I handed him my phone and he snickered as he typed his number in. He handed me back my phone and I saw what his name in my contacts is.

Hot voice actor.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "It was very nice meeting you and thank you for the ride home." I said opening the car door entering the cold winter air.

He smiled back up at me, "No problem. Talk to you soon."

I nodded and shut the car door as he drover away. I felt like a teenage girl when I did it but I jumped up and down and squealed. I didn't know meeting my idol would do this go me.

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Leia, "Leia! You'll never believe who I've just met."

1208 words
Its the first chapter and they are already flirting. Get a room bros 🙄

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