Chapter 16- Intimidation

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Luke's pov:

Soon enough the interview was posted and everyone had quite a lot to say about it. It was clipped and reposted on every platform possible. Especially when Din had brushed his hand on my arm as we stormed out. Screenshots with a red circle around his hand flooded the internet and honestly, it was amusing.

After styling my hair I laughed and showed Din the screen shot, "Oh my god, this is hilarious. The internets having a field day with this one." My phone shook as I laughed.

Din smiled at me, "It just keeps getting better." He made his way toward me and stood behind the chair I was sitting on, resting both his hands on my shoulders, "How much longer will you be? We need to leave for my mums in..." he checked his watch, "about ten minutes."

"I'll be done I just-" I rested my head in my hands and the abruptly stood up. Briskly walking around the chair to be almost nose to nose with Din, "is my tie crooked?" I glanced down.

He followed my movements and glanced down as well. A slight smirk grew on his face, "Yes, just a little bit. Let me fix it." He stepped even closer and took my tie in his hands. While he completely untied it, re-tied it and adjusted it, I stared up at him, with what the tabloids would call 'bed eyes', and shot quick glances at his lips.

Din was too busy biting his tongue adjusting my tie to notice. He took a small step back and raised his arms with a smile, "There perfect!" He exclaimed.

I practically melted, "Almost." I told him.

He tilted his head and crossed his arms, "Almost? What do you mean almo-"

I firmly grabbed his tie with my right hand and pulled him in close and kissed him. From the abrupt action, his hands raised up in surrender but as he got more comfortable they lowered and rested on my hips.

Both our eyes were shut tight as we exchanged breaths. Even though we had done this a million times before for the show it felt so much better this time! I felt his emotions and he felt mine. I kept my right hand on his tie, scared he would run away, and my left hand drifted slowly up and cupped his cheek.

The touch of my cold hand on his warm skin made him jump a bit and I took it as an opportunity to put both my hands in his hair and pull him even closer to me, running my hands through his hair as we kissed.

The texture of his rough stubble rubbed against my cheek, however I didn't seem to mind, in fact it drew me in. We stayed like this, depending on each other, for a few more mere moments until he pulled away from me.

His face was full of shock, his cheeks had turned to a rouge colour and a stupid smile on his face. "Thank you." He smiled awkwardly and glanced around the room.

"Thank you?" Now I was the one to tilt my head.

His smile softened into less of shock and stupidity and more of a love, "Yes. Thank you." He pulled me into a tight hug, blocking my air ways. He was a ball of excitement and when he let go he was bursting with energy, "Come on! We don't want to be late for my mum." He told me grabbing my hand and pulling me out the room. I quickly grabbed my jacket off the chair as he whisked me out of the room.

As he pulled me down the stairs I began to laugh, "Oh wow, your hair." I cackled raising my hand to adjust his hair as we descended trying to flatten it.

When we reached the bottom his hair was no better. We were met with Grogu who was sitting on the sofa with a little bow tie on looking between us both. He smiled widely.

I turned to Din, "Why are we wearing formal wear for a five year olds birthday?" I asked.

Din shrugged, "My mum likes things to be proper." He told me, "Besides," he pulled me in by the waist, "you look so handsome." He smiled.

Grogu rolled his eyes, "Get a room!" He exclaimed.

Both me and Din snapped our heads over to him, "Excuse me? Where did you learn that phrase?!" Din asked concerned while I almost keeled over laughing.

Grogu jumped up off the sofa, "Aunty Ashoka told me to say it to you and Uncle Luke." He shrugged making his way over to the door. "Come one let's go! I want to open my presents from Nanny." He said trying to yank the door open.

"Who's Ashoka?" I asked.

Din's gaze shifted to me, "Family friend, she'll be at the dinner tonight. She looks after him when im at work. I would expect her to do this kind of thing." He laughed. He grabbed my jacket from my hand and draped it over my shoulder, "Come on lets go." He began walking and I followed him.

Time skip brought to you by Aunty Ashoka.

I waited anxiously behind Din and Grogu once he had rung the door bell. Din's mum lived in a very large, very fancy house which radiated elegance. Now I felt like I was underdressed. I think Din could sense my anxiety because he hovered his hand over my lower back until the door opened.

The door swung open and we were met with the face of who I presume to be Don's mother. "There's the birthday boy!" She exclaimed, "Go go! Go inside! Ashoka and Grandad are waiting for you." She smiled. Grogu gave her a quick hug and disappeared into the house. She glanced quickly at Din, "Din good to see you! How have you been?"

Din smiled and nodded, "I've been good. Uh mum this is err..." he said awkwardly as he stepped aside to show me more clearly, "Luke. You know who I was telling you about?"

A smile grew on her faces as she opened her arms for a hug and rushed towards me. She pulled me in and exclaimed, "Ah Luke! I've heard so much about you! How are you? Has he been looking after you at his house?" She shot a death glare to Din, "You better do Din. He's your guest."

I was slightly tense in the embrace but once she let go of me I relaxed, "Thank you, I'm doing well. It's lovely to meet you Mrs Djarin." He nodded my head. Was that too formal? I might as well bow now.

Din's mothers face conveyed an expression of both shock and excitement as she glanced to Din and shook my hand, "Wow, manners to! Where did you pick this one up Din?"

Din clenched his jaw and grew visibility uncomfortable, "Let's go inside! It's getting awfully cold out here, I wouldn't want any of he to catch a cold."

"Good point." His mum smiled and briskly turned around walking inside.

Din sympathetically smiled at me and mouthed the word 'sorry' pulling me in by the torso for a minute before letting me go right before we reached his living room.

1258 Words

Hi :)

Also im thinking about writing a Lokius fic next, not a star wars one. Idk. I have just finished season two and I feel like I need to. Would any of you read that?

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