Chapter 2- Revealved

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Luke's pov:

"So your telling me you met Din Djarin and sped away in his car? Sounds like a romance novel to me Luke, are you sure you weren't on acid?" Leia asked sarcastically.

"Leia I'm telling you it really happened!" I pleaded and I jumped onto my hotel bed hearing a loud snap. Oopsie daisy.

"What was Din Djarin doing in a toy shop? What were you doing in a toyshop?" She laughed.

"You can't say anything about this because he hasn't told the press but he was buying a toy car for his kid." I informed her, "And I was there because I was shopping and saw him in the toy shop. I snuck over over." I laughed.

"So you were stalking him?" She asked.

I frantically shook my head even though she couldn't see it over the phone, "No! We just happened to be in the same place at the same time."

"Sure you were." The eye roll came through her voice, "Anyway, how did your audition go today?" She asked.

I leaned back on the bed, "Well it wasn't really an audition, just a formality. Thats what they told me at least. They were already sure of casting me even before I had left California." I told Leia. I knew it all made me sound like a narcissist but it really way true, I was who they wanted to play the role.

"I know you have told me multiple times. Who's the character? What's the show even about?" She interrogated.

"Im not allowed to tell you." I groaned and she joined me. "If I could I would! You know that. The character is really cool though he's like a spy but cooler!" I raved.

"That sounds awesome, you better call me when you can tell me more though!" She warned me.

"I will I will." I responded. "Alright I'm going to go now."

"Alright I'll speak to you soon." She said. "And try to call Dad, he's really missing you." She told me in a slightly sadder tone.

I tensed up a bit, "Yeah... I will don't worry. Bye!" And hung up.

My tense mood was soon changed when I heard a ping on my phone. I looked down at the notification.

Hot actor

Have you seen this?
*image attached*

I opened the message. It was a screenshot from a tabloid website. It read:

Two actors travelling or conspiring?

By Jessica Ret Parker

This morning Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker were spotted at a shopping centre in New York. Throughout the media you have most likely seen all the pictures of Skywalker pushing his way through crowds at the airport recently... but why was he really flying?

We believe it to be so he can conspire with a famous voice actor, Din Djarin. What could they be conspiring about? I hear you ask. And the truth is we don't exacly know. But look at these photos and tell me you don't see something
more going on here.

Look at how close they are, the hand holding, them laughing while running through a snowy car park. It's picturesque, like a scene from a movie.

On the topic of movies could this be...

And thats where the screen shot ended. By the end I was cackling with laughter. The way everything was phrased and written has to be a joke I mean come on! They have written it as if we are part of some scheme for the illuminate. Maybe... no I'm kidding.

I replied with:

Wow, they got that published quickly 😂

I know right! I feel bad for the workers, defiantly underpaid.

I agree. How many of these are there?

About twenty official ones posted by tabloids. The rest are just gossip chat forums.

I see...

I opened google and just typed in out names. Sure enough quite a few articles came up. They were all recently uploaded, no more than an hour ago. One title caught my attention though.

Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker secret bromance?

By Scotty A Lounds

I burst out into a fit of laughter and once I collected myself continued reading.

You all know by now that this morning Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker were spotted in a Tony's toy shop talking to each other. But is there more to this then we are seeing.

As we can see from Luke's... past relationships he clearly has a type for the dark, mysterious and famous so it would be no shock if he has latched onto Din Djarin himself, I mean pretty much all of us have... look at him.

These photos clearly suggest romantic relations. Din isnt letting Luke out of arms reach and look at Luke's eyes. If anyone has bed eyes it is most defiantly Luke Skywalker!

But let me reassure you that none of this is a bad thing. We are all here for it! Some are even calling this new found relationship 'DinLuke'. Genius naming guys... genius.

I copied the link and forwarded it to Din.

Look at this 😂

Within a few moments I got a response.

Thats the best one yet!

I know right! My managing team is going to be so pissed with me 😭

Mine too. How do you usually get out of trouble. with them?

I don't... my manager pretty much grounds me.

Haha cant relate my manager loves me.

My phone began ringing loudly and the caller ID read: Carly M.

Speaking of managers... mines calling me right now.

Don't worry I'll mention you in my prayers

Thank you

I answered the call and braced myself. "You better have a dam good reason for acting like a fucking fool Luke Skywalker!" She scolded me.

I sighed. I knew that was coming, "I know I know I'm sorry. I didn't know there were paparazzi there."

"Oh you 'didn't know paparazzi were there?'" she mocked, "Paparazzi are everywhere kid! Now I've got so much damage control to attend to! And the public knows your in New York now so your screwed. They will start speculating and you are not answering any questions!"

"I know." I hung my head in shame.

"On a more positive note... you got the part, script run through is next week nine am I'll send a car so be ready for eight." She said.

I jumped up, "Yes! Thank you so much Carly!" I squealed.

She sighed and said, "Your welcome Luke. Now get some sleep please." She said.

1090 words

Yay second chapter done!

Just like the tabloids~ DinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now