Chapter 5- Drinks

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Luke's pov:

Just as predicted, me and Din's faces were plastered all over the media the very next morning. Photos of us with big red circles and arrows with text saying homosexual???

I found another article by Scotty A Lounds and sent it to Din. It read:

Dinluke are living our rom-com dreams and we love it!

Scotty A Lounds

Ever since Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker captured our hearts only a few mere days ago they have gone and done it again. The few photos of them just sharing a quiet word is honestly so touching. Do they think we don't know? Look at Din's hand on his shoulder, thats a full on martial squeeze.

Fans have been speculating as to how the two met. A new project? Pure coincidence? Or was it purely what we saw the other day? Maybe well never know. There guys are the biggest couples goals!

It only took Din a few seconds to respond.

Hot actor

BAHAHA I am pissing myself

Same 😭

Where did this all even come from anyway?

You holding my hand. Its all your fault.

Oh really?


So you don't want me to hold your hand again?

The 'dinluke' fans want you to.

But do you?

Sounds like your hitting on me haha 😂

Yeah... haha :)

When does filming start again?

Two weeks time :)

Ahhh Okie dokie thank you 😊

Hey wanna go somewhere im bored?

Wont the paparazzi see us?

Thats the point!


Gives them something to talk about

Your manager must hate you

Yeah... he does. Anyway! Want to go somewhere?

Yeah sure why not. Where though?

Restaurant! Give me your agrees I'll come pick you up. Wear something nice :)

Okie dokie !

I sent him my address and began changing into a nice shirt and tie. I should probably ask Carly first if I can do this but I don't care. I adjust my tie and stare at myself in the mirror. Nice.

Ten minutes my phone began ringing and I picked up, "Din?"

"Im outside come downstairs." He said and hung up.

I grabbed my keys, wallet and sped out the door. I thumped down the hotel stairs until I was in the reception. The receptionist stared at me but I just kept running until I was standing next to Din's car window. I knocked at it and smiled.

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