Chapter 18- I do

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Luke's pov:

The car ride home was silent, he wasn't angry with ne i just don't think he wanted to talk about it. To break up the silence he put on the radio. "The recent interview with Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker has caused quite a stir when-" he slammed the button once more and the voice was silenced.

He sucked in a breath and then sighed while I looked straight ahead. The ride back home was extremely tense and the worst thing was it wasn't his or my fault.

The car pulled up on the driveway and hesitantly, we both got out the car. Once we were both out he grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me to and through the door.

When we were halfway through the the hall he turned around, held both of my hands, and looked into my eyes, "Touch me."

I almost choked and my eyes widened, "Excuse me?!" I asked alarmed briefly letting go of his hands.

His facial expression did not change, "Not sexually. Just hold me. Something, anything. Please." He frowned.

My eyes softened as I leaned towards him resting both my hands on his waist, "Yeah sure." I smiled warmly.

He smiled in response. We both slowly walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa resting against each other. We lay under a thick winter blanket, which was the only thing keeping us warm.

"How is this going to work?" He asked. Straightening up a bit and the looking at me with an expression of worry.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Like us? How is it going to work? What if we tell the public and they respond how my father did." He expressed.

I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned, "Not everyone is that negative. You know that right? Besides, we don't have to tell them at all, not yet. Its not their right to know everything about us. You tell them when you are ready." I told him.

"I suppose." He sighed, "But your going to have to go back to Texas anyway?"

"I mean..." I paused, "I could stay?" I smirked. "We spoke about it the other day. Only if you want me to of course."

His face brightened up, "Really? Of course you can, I would love that. And so would Grogu." He smiled, "You mean the world to him."

"Its nice to know that I do." I smiled. "Oh!" I sat up abruptly and walked over to my bag that was hanging up, "Do you want to see the photoshoot?" I asked.

He nodded eagerly, "Of course!" He exclaimed.

As I pulled the magazine out of my bag I said, "It arrived this morning, I forgot to tell you. I haven't seen it yet, but we're on the front cover!" I raved.

"Ooo." Din said as I walked over and lounged down next to him.

I showed him the front cover and it was the photo of us sitting on the lounge chair. I flipped to page nineteen, where our photos were, and found a beautiful double page collage of our photos.

"I cant believe they included that one." Din laughed pointing at a photo of me pretending to slap him round the face.

I laughed, "I made sure they did." I smirked.

We spent the next twenty minutes looking and laughing at all the photos, then I placed the magazine down on the coffee table. It was late in the evening, it was pitch black outside and Din rested his head on my shoulder gently and then said, "You know I love you right?"

"I do."


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