Chapter 9- Hidden

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Luke's pov:

Soon the sun had set and left a beautiful cold winters night sky outside. We had finished the script run through and our coffees by now and had chatted in the coffee shop till god knows what time. It was addicting to be around him. I don't know what it was but it drew me in and I always wanted more. He was exciting.

I looked down at my watch and it read, 9:35. "Oh shit I need to get back." I said. I looked up in realisation,  "is your son home alone?" I asked horror spreading on my face.

He laughed and shook his head, "Of course not." He reassured me, "My friend babysits him while I'm at work and I asked her if she could stay a bit longer. He's perfectly safe."

I sighed in relief, "Apologise to this friend for me. I've made her stay till... well far too late. How are you getting back? Do you need my driver to drop you back?"

He shook his head, "No no don't worry. I've got an Uber coming I'll be fine." He smiled, "Thank you for tonight, I'll see you tomorrow."

I beamed down at him when I stood up, "No problem, I had fun. See you tomorrow. Get home we'll." I got up from my seat, picked up my bag, waved him goodbye and left. I walked briskly through the cold streets of New York until I reached my driver. I released a breath of relief that I hadn't been murdered yet.

I opened the car for and got in. "Sorry you had to wait for so long mate." I apologised, "I'll play you extra."

He nodded, "Nah no problem I got to see the sights while you were in there. Where are we going? Back to the hotel?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes please." I put my seatbelt on and slumped down. My mood got awfully low when I wasn't around Din, I felt bored and not whole. I whipped out my phone and looked at some of the photos Din had sent me of him in his costume this morning.

It was silly to be honest. An actor playing a tough character and then posing with his tongue out for a picture. It made me laugh the more I looked at it. The other was of him pretending to flex his muscles. I saved it and set as my wallpaper (as a joke of course) because it was so funny.

The car pulled up and I thanked the driver and left. Gleefully, I walked through the reception only to be met with a sympathetic glare from the receptionist. I wouldn't let her mood bring me down though, I was too happy to let that happen.

My smile didn't break in the lift as I went up the five thousand levels to finally reach my floor. I was practically slipping down the corridor when I heard the loud buzz of speaking and camera flashes. Oh.

I turned my head round the corner and was met with paparazzi. Had they already found me? Clearly I was no good at taking a peek as they all immediately turned, rushed towards me and took photographs. As they screamed their questions in my face I attempted to push through them to get to my hotel room.

After a long struggle I reached the door and could already feel bruises growing on my arm. I had practically been tossed around, being knocked to the floor a few times. My forehead was throbbing and bleeding. I quickly opened my door and shut it in their faces so they couldn't get in. I knew some of them would try to.

I tried to calm my breathing down but couldn't as I paced around the room with my head in my hands. Partly from pain, partly from disappointment. I know I should of called Carly but I called the first person who came to mind.

He picked up quickly, "Din? Din?" I frantically spoke on the phone.

There was shuffling and whispering, "Luke? Are you okay? What's that banging sound?" He asked worried.

The paparazzi were banging at my door as I spoke, "They found me, they found my hotel. They are all outside my door Din." My voice went weak. I was always told to expect this as an actor but I hardly saw how their actions were justifiable.

"Okay. Pack all your stuff and I mean all of it. I'm coming to get you." He said and hung up.

That's not exactly what I was expecting but I did just as he said. I grabbed my massive suitcase and started chucking stuff in it. Clothes, books, devices anything I could find. After about ten minutes of cramming stuff in and sitting on the suitcase to close it, I was done.

I did one final check around the hotel and concluded I hadn't left anything. I received a text from Din.

Hot actor

I'm outside your door :)

Why didn't he just knock? I suppose I wouldn't answer if he knocked though would I.

I quickly picked up my suitcase and opened the door. I was met with Din's sympathetic smile and also some hungry paparazzi. I closed the door and Din wrapped his arm around me as he pushed people out the way. He was shouting at people. No, shoutings not the right word, he was screaming at people.

I had never heard Din like this and I looked up at him in admiration as he screamed. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Get out our fucking way! Do you respect anyones privacy you pieces of shit?!" The screaming continued and I don't think I've heard someone say the word fuck so much in such a short space of time.

I was practically falling over and not just because of the blood loss. When we reached the lift no one dared to get in with us (probably frightened that Din was going to bash their heads in) so we had a slower walk when we reached the reception. The receptionist clearly knew what happened but hadn't tried to warn me?

I threw my keycard on the desk and left with Din, I could cancel online.

Din led me to his car and I got in the front seat noticing Grogu asleep in his car seat in the back. Din quickly got in and began driving away.

I gripped the side of my head that was bleeding to try and stop the blood but it wasn't really much use. "Sorry." I said my voice aching slightly.

"For what?" Din almost turned to look at me but then remembered he was driving and stayed looking at the road.

"For dragging you out so late to get me. I didn't know who else to call. I could of just stayed in the hotel, it would of been fine." I said.

Din shook his head, " Absolutely not. That hotel isn't safe anymore and I don't want you going back. To make matters worse, your injured. You must of lost a lot of blood if you think I'm letting you go back there." His voice was rough from all the shouting.

"But where am I going to stay?" I asked.

"Mine." He said plainly and my eyes widened in shock, "You could stay with me." He added on.

I nodded, "Thank you so much Din."

"No problem Luke."

1260 words


Also be grateful, I wrote a chapter for you on my birthday.

Just like the tabloids~ DinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now