Chapter 7- Action

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Luke's pov:

Soon enough filming began. It was crazy how quick time had flown and now I was in a tight, motion restricting white leather jacket. I had swarms of people around me putting powders on my face, combing my hair and tying my laces. I hadn't seen Din yet however was extremely excited to see him in his costume. Lando had let me see some of the concept art and, wow, he was gonna look amazing.

I had been sat in thus chair for two hours when the makeup artist finally said, "You are all done Luke. Make your way to studio one, meet Lando there." She nodded.

"Thank you." I said. "This looks great by the way." I gestured to my face.

She smiled, "No problem mate."

I got up and made my though the busy paths until I reached studio one. I opened the door and was met with a lot of faces turning and staring at me. The one I picked out in the crowd though was Din.

His face lit up and leaving whatever conversation he was having behind he cane straight to me. I pulled him into a hug and he did just the same. After a few long seconds he pulled away his arms lingering on mine. He looked me up and smiled, "Wow! You look hot!" He exclaimed with a smile. It took a mere second before his face was replaced with horror, "Shit, nice I meant nice!" He tried go save the situation.

I smiled, "Thank you. You look hot too." And it was true, he really did. His black denim jacket combines with his red shirt made him look stunning. And from a directing stand point as well the contrast between bane and him was fantastic.

His face had gone bright red and matched the deep shade of red of his shirt. His mouth opened and he began to try and speak however he was interrupted by Lando loudly shouting, "Hey! This isnt date time, we have a show to film come on!" He beckoned us over.

We both rushed over laughing slightly and apologising.

Lando sighed, "I presume you've both read through the scrip and memorised lines?" He asked. We both nodded. "Oh thank god. This first scene will mostly be done with stunt doubles for the fighting but all the up close and personal shots will need to be you. You'll only be doing the dialogue don't worry". He reassured us. "Well film all your scenes first then you can go home while we film the stunt doubles. Luke if you could go by the bank door and Din you need to properly pin him down when you say your line. Okay?"

Din nodded, "Okay." He smiled.

"Good. Dim go get your helmet and then go get in your place." He told Din.

Din rushed off to get his helmet while I took my place by the fake bank door. Opening the show with a fight scene would be really cool, especially such an intimate one.

Din took his place across from me, Lando shouted action and the scene began.

I frantically tried to unlock the bank door as Lithos ran at me. The dam door just wouldn't budge. Before I could slide out the way I felt Lithos's body against mine and his gun pressed against my temple, "Ready to give up now?" He cocked his head.

My face shrivelled up in disgust, "Your pathetic! You know that?" I spat from a bitter tongue.

"Oh really? Am I?" He asked sarcastically leaning into me more.

"Yes! Hiding behind a gun and a helmet. Its pathetic!" I shouted.

"Well lets see here," he pulled away from my body slightly, "I have the gun," he held it up to show me, "and you don't!" He exclaimed, "The chances of you surviving this... are slim."

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes, "You love me too much to kill me over a silly bank heist." I said playfully.

"Your mistaken." He told me, "I love our rivalry too much to kill you. Your competitive nature is very dear to me. Very precious." He whispered in my ear.

I scoffed and pushed him away, "Bullshit! Let these people go! Im sure whatever you are seeking in this bank... we can get it too you and no one will be harmed." I told.

"You don't know what I want." He circled around me tossing the gun on the floor. His finger traced my shoulders as he completed the loop around me.

"Then tell me." I desperately begged. "Im sure my team can get it for you."I told him."

His head raised up and I saw a peek of his bare neck under the mask. "I'll tell you if you get on your knees and beg for it." He crossed his arms.

I sighed. The situation had already escalated enough z there were fifteen hostages and the probability of them all making it amour alive was very low. Slowly and erasing all my dignity I dropped onto my knees, "Please tell me what you want Lithos." I begged.

He laughed, "Oh Hemel... I just want you."

My eyes widened.

"And cut!" Lando shouted. I struggled off my knees as he rushed over. We huddled in as he said, "Guys that was perfect! You got it done in one shoot This is amazing! Well have to do a few different angles but other than that if was perfect well done!" He exclaimed.

Time skip brought to you by... bounty flavoured cookies.

Once we had finished all the alternative angle shots me and Din left together as the stunt doubles began to film the fight scenes. "You were amazing today!" I told him.

He smiled brightly, "Thank you! So were you!"

"Its crazy how someone so sweet can play a villain. Its strange seeing you talk like that." I laughed recalling the attitude I was met with while filming.

"Yeah." He laughed.

We were out on the car park and there were no paparazzi... few. "Ill see you tomorrow." I smiled as I turned right to the car. He waved goodbye and we both parted ways.

The ride home was silent as there was none of Carly's blabber to fill it with. I began growing bored however that all changed when I received a message:

Hot actor

I could see you on your knees again ;)

My jaw dropped and I had to stop myself from throwing my phone out the window. Something rose in my stomach and I clamped a hand over my mouth. What... the... fuck?

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And on that note!

Just like the tabloids~ DinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now