Chapter 8- Redemption

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Luke's pov:

Obviously I didn't respond to the message Din had sent me last night but I also felt awful for leaving him on read. Thats a lie, with that message I did not. There was no way Din would of sent that if he was sober, he had to of been drunk. He must of been!

As intriguing as the message was I knew I could not give into any desires it would be completely wrong of me. I dreaded coming into work the next day and having awkward integrations while no one else knew why. What if I had to get on my knees again?

"Luke!" Carly snapped me out of  my thoughts, "We are here. Are you alright?" she asked.

I nodded, "Mhm! Yeah fine. By Carly." I ran out the car and rushed to my trailer as quickly as possible.

I was greeted by my makeup artist and sat down in the makeup chair. She had some jazzy music on while she worked and I stared down at my phone. All night I had been receiving messages from Din.

Hot actor

*missed call*

*missed call*

Im really sorry Luke

Call me back and ill explain I promise

It didn't mean what you thought it meant.

It cane out wrong I swear.

I didn't respond to any of the messages. There was no way i could interpret that differently. And although it was tempting i was most defiantly not going to do that with someone I had just met.

I got my costume on and made my way over to studio 2, where we would be recording today. I opened the door and Din's eyes flashed over to me. Before anyone else could, he ran over and pulled me aside. "Please can I explain." He begged.

I folded my arms, "You better have some hell of an explanation." I cocked my head.

"I just meant that you don't seem like the kind of guy to do that so..." he began. I raised my eyebrows. He waved his hands about, "No not like that! I mean you don't seem like the type of guy to give up. You seem stubborn. In a nice way." He rambled.

I began laughing and he tilted his head at me in confusion. "Oh you crack me up Din Djarin." I said through wheezes.

His eyes narrowed and he raised an eyebrow, "Huh?" He tilted his head the other way.

This made me me laugh even more and I was barely able to speak, "You panic too much." I chuckled, "Its fine. It was amusing to read that message while on my way home." I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Come on. We have a show to film." I smiled and pulled him along with me.

Time skip brought to you by balancing equations.

The scene soon began and quickly got into it. This time it was set in a basement.

I was strapped to the leg of a bed and my limp back was leaning against the bed frame. "What do you want with me?" I begged.

Lithos shrugged, "You brighten up a room tremendously. You really add something to it." He smiled.

My face creased in disgust, "Your sick you know that!"

"You'll learn to love it." He smirked.

The rest of the day was spent filming other scenes and now that the air had been cleared it was far less awkward. Once I was out of my costume I approached Don's trailer. I knocked on the trailer door and waited until it was opened by Din also out of costume.

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