Chapter 10- Apologies

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Luke's pov:

Din helped me thorough the door of his house. as I held my head in my hands. "Oh fuck." I groaned in pain as my head throbbed more and I winced my tearful eyes shut.

While Din supported my back he also held Grogu's hand leading him inside. Grogu's eyes were fluctuating from open to closed and he was struggling to stay awake, it was clearly past his bed time. "Yeah, that looks like a nasty gash. I'll just put Grogu back to bed and then I will come and deal with it." Be smiled, "Just sit down there." He gestured to the pale blue sofa on my right.

I nodded, "Thank you." I smiled and made my way to sit down as he carried Grogu up the oak wood stairs, over his shoulder. Grogu was dangling and was half asleep. Despite how much I wanted to lie down, I refrained. I didn't want to stain his sofa with my blood and I certainly didn't want to pay for it.

However, I pressed my hand firmly against the wound on my forehead in a vain attempt to stop the bleeding. I was honestly surprised I hadn't lost consciousness by now from the loss of blood. I gazed around his large living room briefly. There was a massive TV in the middle of the wall and the coffee table was made made of marble (or a replica). The walls were a pristine white and it was stunning. Then he walked back into the room without a Grogu over his shoulder and made his way through to the kitchen.

He rummaged through a draw rapidly until he pulled out bandage wrap, disinfectant  and a pair of scissors. He made his way over to the pale blue sofa and sat opposite to me. "How is your head?" He asked as he unwrapped the bandages from the roll.

I shrugged, "It's been better I suppose." I said, my voice feeling slightly weaker. Probably from the blood loss.

"This is going to hurt." He warmed me as he poured the disinfectant onto a Cotten pad and gently rubbed it across the wound. I winced at the sting of the disinfectant and he apologised. "How did you even get this injury anyway. It looks pretty deep." He said narrowing his eyes to look at the gash on my head.

My eyes widened in horror, "Will it scar?!" I asked alarmed.  It seemed a bit superficial that the main thing I was worried about was a small scar rather than my hotel being leaked or any of that mess.

He shook his head as he began wrapping the bandages around my forehead, "No. Not if we go to the hospital tomorrow morning so they can treat it properly. This is a temporary fix for now." He told me. I nodded slowly. "So how did you get it then?" He repeated.

It had been so chaotic I hadn't really being paying that much attention. With thinking hard I recalled some of the memories, "I was trying to get to my door and someone slammed me into it. My head hit the doorframe, I think." Thats all I could really remember. Could I sue for memory loss? Probably not.

I winced once again as he pulled tightly on the bandages, "Sorry Luke. But its best for it to be tight and secure." He told me.

I looked down at my lap, "I know." I acknowledge fiddling with my fingers in my lap.

Once he had finished he took his hands away from my head and stood up, "I will go and get your suitcase out of the car." He said slowly standing up and leaning on the arm of the sofa.

I smiled, "Thank you so much Din." Leaning back into the sofa a touch and releasing a breath I was unaware I was holding.

He made his way out the front door and I glanced around his house a bit more. It was an open floor plan and you could see perfectly into the kitchen. The sofa was so large I assume it could fit at least fifteen people. The walls were a clean shade of white just like everything else in the house however it didn't look bring like most did. The countertops were black and so were a few other contrasting details.

The door soon opened again and Din was there lugging my overfilled suitcase through the door, "God, what have you got in here Luke? Bricks? Giraffes? The entirety of Noah's ark?" He laughed as he tried to lift it up over the thresh hold. Quickly, I got up to make my way to help him however he stopped me and said, "No no sit down. Your injured. I am just freakishly weak." He joked his arms flexing as he heaved it over the step.

I looked him up and down and thought in my head ; weak? Are you completely sure about that?

I pulled my phone out my pocket and said, "I am going to have to book a new hotel." I sighed. "Thats annoying, the other one was the closest one to the studio."

Din frowned and rushed over to me, "Absolutely not!" He boomed. Within nano seconds he approached behind me and snatched my phone from my hands. I began to say 'oi' but was interrupted by him telling me, "Your staying here! I am not having you go to another hotel, its too risky. What if it gets leaked again?" He told me. I snatched my phone back.

I frowned, "That is very kind of you Din, but I can't sleep on a sofa for what could be months." I said. "Thank you for the offer though." I began googling 'hotels in New York'. 

"Then you'll take my bed?" He suggested looking around to see what the problem was.

"Again, very kind but I cant have you sleeping on a sofa for god knows how long." I smiled as I opened a hotel booking website.

"Then we will share. Its a Queen. We can both fit." He told me.

"Are you sure? It would be quite a while." I informed him. God knows how long filming may take. It doesn't sound awful though...

He nodded, "Thats fine. As long as your comfortable." He smiled.

A grin grew on my face. What a sweet heart. "Is it alright if I go to bed now?" I asked. "All this getting hit in the head has tired me out." I told him.

He nodded, "Of course. Just follow me." He smiled.

He stood up and lead me through his house and up the stairs. I traveled through the corridors slightly dazed and stumbling a bit. He rested his hand on my shoulder to support me.

He opened a door and I followed him inside. He pulled back the sheet and gestured to it, "Jump in." He told me. "I'll be back, one second." He left the room and I climbed into bed.

I now lay in a bed under a warm duvet as Din was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. I felt bad, I was taking his bed. I had also stolen his evening by making him drive all the way to me for what? So I didn't have people knocking my door for another hour.

He came through the bedroom door and climbed under the covers. I had scooted all the way over to the edge of the bed and I was probably close to falling off.

In the darkness, my guilt really started getting to me, "Sorry." I hummed. 

Din (whose head had been hurried in his pillow) muffled, "Sorry? For what?" He asked lifting his head up slightly and I felt his breath down my neck.

"For making you drive all the way to me and waking your son up, so you could pick me up." I told him. "Its silly but I didn't really know who else to call."

"No, don't be silly its fine. Grogu was already awake anyway. He troubled to sleep sometimes. Don't worry about it, as long as your safe." He said. His voice was muffled from his pillow but he said, "Sleep well Luke." And he wrapped his arm slowly around my waist.

Luckily I wasn't facing him as my eyes widened as far as they can. I quickly calmed myself and shut them abruptly. I wasn't expecting it but it wasn't... bad.  The feel of his arm gently wrapped around my waist came as a shock however it was also comforting.

My body moved without thinking and leaned into him a bit more until my back was pressed softly against his chest.

Lets hope he didn't notice.

1469 words

I am currently on holiday so updates may be slow :)

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