Chapter 11- Fondness

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Lukes pov:

I was awoken the next morning by the smell of pancakes and syrup and Din leaning against the door frame. I sat slightly up in the bed to see him more and smiled. He smiled right back at me. "I made you breakfast." He told me quietly.

"Thank you." I muttered with a smile. He came over slowly to and handed the tray of pancakes towards me. I had them on my lap and began eating while he made his way to the other side of the bed and perched on it.

"Lando called this morning." He told me. My head perked up while I chewed the pancake. "He's seen the news and said it's best if we both take today off and you go to the hospital."

My brows furrowed, "The news? What do you mean?" I asked. I saw his eyes slowly widen as he realised he wasn't supposed to mention that.

"Oh... yeah. The pictures got out quite quickly and it already made it to the news. They all had quite a lot to say." He raised his eyebrows.

I pinched my brow bone, "Great! Just wonderful." I remarked sarcastically. "Has Scotty Lounds written an article?" I asked. "Those articles make my day."

Din nodded, "Yep she has. I already checked. Do you want me to show you?" He asked.

"Yes please." I smiled.

He pulled his phone out and began typing. After a few minutes he passed his phone to me and I began reading the newest article.

This has gone to far!
By Scotty J. Lounds

What is wrong with you? What the actual hell is wrong with you? There's trying to get some good paparazzi pictures and the theres that! I'm honestly disgusted with the behaviour of the so called 'professionals' in my own field.

I have had a look through all these photos and I have never felt sicker. Many of the photographers have come out to say that they 'didn't know' that what they were doing was wrong. Are you having a laugh? I'm not being funny, but not only did you stalk a man and found his hotel room, you can clearly tell he is distressed in these photos and no one cared to leave.

So thats where the lovely saviour Din Djarin comes in - Din comes swooping in to save the day and does just that! The rage in his eyes when he sees the gash on Luke's forehead makes us all melt. Get yourself someone who looks at you like Din looks at Luke.

Everyone over here is hoping Luke is feeling alright and wishing for a speedy recovery.

I didn't even notice the smile growing on my face while I read the article. I had finished my pancakes now and put the tray at the end of the bed. I looked up at Din who was warily looking at me. I laughed a bit, "Thank you my knight in shinning armour." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my stomach against his back.

He laughed along with me, "Ah yes, what a saviour I am!" He joked.

My grip around his neck loosened a bit but they still stayed there. I turned my head to look at him, "But seriously... thank you." And it was just then I realised how close our faces were now. We were exchanging breaths and if my face was just a centimetre further forward our noses would be brushing each others.

His eyes softened slightly as he said, "My pleasure." He leaned in slightly. We both slowly got closer together and my eyes shut as I realised what was happening until-

"Daddy daddy daddy!" The door burst opened and me and Din threw ourselves off each other. Standing in the doorway was a very little Grogu, "You said we had to take Uncle Luke to the doctors before his cut got infected!" He shouted. He quickly turned his head to me, "Hi Uncle Luke." He smiled and then went back to telling his Dad off, "We have to go now!" He yelled.

Just like the tabloids~ DinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now