Chapter 12- Practice

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Luke's pov:

The next day we went straight back to filming and makeup did an extremely good job at covering the unhealed cut up. Din and I hadn't spoken about what had happened yesterday and honestly I didn't want to. I didn't need another romance scandal in my life.

I was grabbing my stuff from my trailer when Din waltzed in, "You were really good in that scene today." He told me as he thumped down on my sofa. This had become a common occurrence over the past few weeks and I honestly didn't mind.

I smiled and zipped up my backpack, "Thank you. Playing an emotional wreck who's kidnapped isn't that difficult though to be fair." I laughed to myself as I left my bag and came and sat down next to him.

He thought I didn't notice when he shuffled a bit closer to me but I did. I let it slide though. "Well you play it fantastically, better than most." He wrested his arm on the back of the sofa and was quite close to wrapping it around my shoulders, "Besides that crying scene today was fantastic! You didn't even have to use a tear stick." He said.

"Yeah, crying comes easy to me." I laughed, "Also my forehead was still throbbing so it wasn't that difficult."

Din nodded understandingly, "Oh, I was going to make a lasagne tonight if you wanted some? If not I can make you something else." He smiled.

"Ooo he cooks." I smiled, "A real family man. You should do more interviews so people can find out this stuff. I can't cook, the media knows that." I laughed.

Din's eyes narrowed, "But what about those cupcakes?" He asked, "Those were delicious."

"Key word. Bake, not cook. I can bake like a professional but if you want me to cook... it would be a disaster." I laughed.

Din shrugged, "Well then I guess we make the perfect pair! I can cook and you are a baker."

I didn't know what his exact implications of the word pair was but I don't think he meant what I thought he did. Din continued talking about something however I stayed there, lost in his eyes. Wow. That sounds truly cringy but it's true! His eyes drew me in, they were endearing and thoughtful. Not to mention they-

"Luke?! Are you alright." Din snapped me out of my trance.

I quickly shook my head to shake myself out of it, "Yeah I'm fine. What were you saying?" I tilted my head.

Din laughed to himself, "Just that I'm a bit nervous for one of the next episode's scene. And they are also announcing that this is being made." He told me.

"Oh cool." I paused, "Wait what's next episode's scene?" I asked completely clueless.

"The kiss one?" He told me. I almost choked on my imaginary drink, "Not only am I nervous because I'm kissing someone on camera but it's also my first appearance without a helmet. And you've read the scrip! Ugh." He shook his head.

My mouth hung open as I pretended to be offended, "Hey! You're not just kissing anyone! Your kissing me!" I stated.

He laughed and so did I, "I suppose your right." He rolled his eyes jokingly. He quickly jumped off the sofa and reached a hand out to help me up, "Now come on I'm hungry!"

Time skip brought to you by me always getting fic ideas when I'm halfway through writing one. Pain.

Me and Grogu sat across from each other at the dinner table as he stared at me with wide bug like eyes. Din was currently in the kitchen dishing up the lasagne. "So... how did you meet my daddy?" He asked then taking a big sip of juice from his cup.

I sat up awkwardly straight and glanced around the dinning room, "Well... we met in a shopping centre and then later when we started filming a show together." I told him. I took a sip of my glass of water.

Grogu nodded, "You are my dad's boyfriend right?" He asked completely unfazed.

I actually choked on my water, "What? Where did you hear that from?" I coughed trying to compose myself.

"In the show? Daddy says you two kiss in the show." He said with a confused expression plastered on his face.

I sighed in relief, "Oh yeah. In the show, yeah." I smiled.

Din came through with three plates, two in his hands and the one balanced on his forearm. " Bon appétit." He smiled sliding a plate in front of me.

"Whoah, how did you learn to do that?" I laughed, "I couldn't balance a plate if my life depended on it."

He smiled as he pushed a plate in front of Grogu and then sat down with his, "I used to be a waiter when the voice acting want paying much." He took a sip of his water, "And I'm just extremely lazy and can't be bothered to go back to get one more plate." He laughed.

We all ate with a constant hum of chatter. The lasagne was very good and most defiantly, far better than I could do. Once we were done though Grogu was out to bed and a few hours later me and Din did so too.

It had gotten extremely dark and was defiantly late however I could still hear Din rustling and huffing in the dark. "Are you okay?" I asked. I turned to face him however was just met with the feeling of his presence.

"I just... I'm really nervous about this kiss scene. No one's told me how to act or anything and I just- I just have no idea what to do." He told me and I felt the movement of him resting his hands on his head.

"Would it help if you had some practice?" I asked.

The lamp on his side of the bed turned on and I was met with his face of shock. "Really? You don't think that would be inappropriate?" He asked.

I shook my head, "We are gonna be kissing all day tomorrow anyway. What's the problem with a little practice?" I joked.

He nodded slowly, "Oh okay. Yeah that would be quite useful." He said looking away from me.

"Okay okay. I've read the script and you are meant to start over me resting on your arms it says." I told him, "It's slow to begin with and then gets more passionate as we go along." It looked like his brain wasn't registering the words I was saying. "You have kissed someone before right?"

He abruptly nodded, "Yeah! Just not since like... college that's all." He told me.

"Okay that's fine. Should we just go for it?" I asked. He nodded in agreement.

Slowly and carefully he rested his elbows either side of my head and looked down at me and laughed, "This is weird."

I laughed with him and then slapped a hand over his mouth, "Shut up. You are gonna make me laugh more. Just do it!" I told him.

He nodded and leaned in a bit. The gap between us was closed and his warm lips were pressed gently against mine. We were both still spluttering out small chuckles but they soon died out as we got more into each others embrace.

Both our eyes were closed and I reached out a hand slowly to touch his cheek. The rough texture of stubble brushed against my cold finger tips and he sucked in a breath when he felt me hands.

Eventually I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him even closer and he kissed me harder. I ran my hands through his hair and his kisses weren't exactly trailing but they were sloppier.

Slowly we went back to a gentle kiss and then finally no kiss at all. We lay next to each other, enshrouded in darkness once again when he whispered, "so cant wait to do that all again tomorrow."

1344 words

Horny jail... now!

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