Chapter 13- First kiss?

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Luke's pov:

Me and Din were sat on the sofa laughing over some silly photos of Grogu when the intimacy coordinator came in. We sat down and discussed the scene for a bit until Din blurted out, "I think we've got it all sorted out." He turned to look at me, "We practiced last night."

I have never known words that could cause such horror in my body, those did though. The intimacy coordinator cleared his throat in shock. I waved my hands about frantically, "No no no! He's making it sound much more... sexual... then what actually happened. We just ran through the scene and I gave him advice." I cleared up.

The intimacy coordinator held his hands up in defense, "I didn't say anything. Besides do what you got to do to get comfortable with the scene. That doesn't work for all but I suppose it worked for you two. If you think you're all good I'll leave and just talk to the director for a bit. They'll call you up when they need you." He smiled, got up and left.

Din turned to me with a smirk growing on his face, "I made it sound sexual huh?" He raised an eyebrow leaning in slightly.

I looked straight forward, "Well yeah. It was completely out of context." I told him.

He cupped my cheek with his hand and gently turned my head to face him, "I wouldn't say it was sexual. But you liked it." His voice had gone low and close to a whisper. I felt myself practically melt under his touch.

He slowly got on top of me and I lay under him and said, "Maybe, I did. What's it to you?"

He gently gripped the back of my head with his hand. I don't like to use the word giggle... but that's exactly what I did.

"We could do it again sometime?" He offered with a small grin.

I rolled my eyes, "You would love that wouldn't you Din Djarin." I whispered in his ear. I chuckled a tad more as he leaned in a bit. He got close to kissing me and our lips brushed until I slid from under him and got up, "Stop your going to ruin my stage makeup." I laughed. I made my way over to the mirror opposite to him and adjusted my hair a bit.

Din laughed with me adjusting himself to sit on the sofa, "I would love to ruin your makeup." He added.

I wasn't facing him, however he could see the plain expression of shock on my face in the mirror. I cleared my throat, "We need to get to the set." I told him.

He sighed and jumped up. He made his way behind me and as we left my trailer I felt his arm snake around my waist. If he asks me I will deny it, but I did lean into it.

It only took as a few minutes until we reached the studio and made our way inside. By now, Don's hand had left my waist and the rosy colour from my cheeks had also faded.

Lando's head snapped around when he saw us. He grinned and rushed over to us, "Din! Luke! Good to see you, you guys okay with todays scene?" He asked.

We both nodded and when Lando had turned around Din looked at me and smirked. As gently as possible, I smacked his arm. We both walked with Lando, "I think we will just get straight into it today. I know you both know your lines." He told us, "Just lay down on the bed and give us some razzle dazzle when I say action." He smiled.

Lando's terms and phrases always amused me and they must amuse Din as well as he was choking back laughter.

I lay in the bed (without the handcuffs this time) and Din stood over by the 'door' (it was a fake door. "And action!" Lando said.

Lithos paced slowly in front of me. "You know in your normal life, when you don't have to save people and stuff, what's your life like."

I tilted my head, "Excuse me?"

I couldn't read his expression with the helmet on, "What was your normal life like?"

"I don't think my life will ever be normal." I said plainly, "Look at my job. I'm currently kidnapped all in the name of work." I tried to laugh but no sound came out.

"Do you have a wife?" He asked abruptly stopping on the middle of the floor.

"A wife?" I snorted, "Funny joke, with this job... never."

"Do you want one?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Not really no."

"Do you want anyone?" He asked tilting his head.

I thought about it for a moment, "Maybe. One day. But I would have to be close with them." I told him.

"Are we close?" He asked, his voice sounded soft and gentle.

"Yes." I said softly looking up at him.

He sat down on the end of the bed, "Could you love me?" He asked.

I smiled weakly, "I don't think it's a matter of 'could' I love you, I think it's a matter of 'do' I love you"

He leaned over me his arms going either side of my head, "Do you love me?" He asked.

I didn't answer him. Instead I hooked my finger on the bottom of his helmet and met his gaze. He nodded. I slowly removed it and took my first look at his face.

He had a rugged and battle-worn appearance. I brought my hand up to his chiselled jaw line and felt light stubble prick my fingers. His dark hair, which is usually hidden beneath his helmet, but when revealed, it's short and neatly trimmed. His deep brown eyes stared at mine softly.

He leaned down and closed the gap between us kissing me gently. Our lips meet softly at first, my heart fluttering with anticipation. The kiss deepened, our breaths quicken, and our hands begin to explore each other's bodies, igniting a passionate desire between us. The world fades away as his embrace becomes more intense and I was lost in the intoxicating moment of his love.

"Cut!" Lando shouted. However me and Din did not break away from each other.

He kept kissing me and lips began to miss my mouth slightly when he got lost in the moment. I ran my hands through his soft hair and pulled his face closer to mine.

"Guys I said cut?!" Lando yelled again. Me both jumped and quickly separated. Din got off the bed and I sat up on it. We both looked as if we had been caught with our hands in the cookie jar but Lando just smiled.

"That was great guys! Especially for your first time kissing each other." He smiled.

Both me and Din snorted.

1167 words

I cringed writing this entire chapter but here you go you weird horny mf's.

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