Chapter 14- Stay

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Luke's pov:

A few weeks had gone by and we were closer and closer to finishing the show. The Trailer had finally come out and we had some interviews and photo shoots booked to promote it. As for me and Din, I had stopped sleeping on the edge of the bed and wach night ne and Din slept closer together. For some strange reason though, I didn't mind.

I always tried to help him around the house and I also made sure I got to know him ans Grogu a bit more.

Today we were sat down in a interview, I always tried to stay on theme and dressed similar to my character and Din had let me dress him too, we were matching. Din told me that this was his second interview ever, his first one being back in the two thousands about an Indie project he had voice acted in.

The lady opposite us initiated the conversation, "So, Din, Luke jts nice to have you both here. Lovely to meet you!" She leaned over and shook our hands.

I smiled, "It's lovely to be here." I added gratefully while Din sat silently besides me.

She briefly looked down at her sheet of paper and looked back up, "Let's just get straight into it. What was it like working with each other? I hear this is the first time you have both worked together is that right?" She asked.

I nodded and Din hesitantly followed, "Honestly it's been wonderful." I met Din's gaze for a split second and then looked back at the interviewer, "All the cast was so welcoming and lovely but I think we and Din have a real friendship."

Friendship? Such an odd word. Was friends really all we were - I wasn't too sure. However the word was safe, and all though a bit disappointing, still signified some connection.

Throughout the interview I answered all her questions (to the extent I was allowed) while Din remained silent ; sometimes shooting quick glances at the camera or humming in agreement. He sat up dead straight to begin with but as I slowly (and inauspiciously) shuffled over to sit closer to him he relaxed a bit and a glowing smile was painted on his face.

"And so Din," she turned her attention to him, "This is your first acting project. How has that been? Have you been finding it difficult to switch from voice acting to acting?" She asked.

He tensed up a bit when the conversation focused on him, "uh well... not really. I suppose I would of if I wasn't wearing a helmet, but because I was... it was pretty much the same. You have to express all emotion through your voice, but I did get to add a little body language as well." He smiled awkwardly, "All though, there was on scene, I cant say what, that was particularly difficult for me to film."

He glanced at me and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly and I looked from his lips to his eyes and smiled back.

The interviewer smiled, "And Luke, you've had many relationship scandals in the past. How is this one with Din going on?" She asked with no expression on her face. Was she serious? Was she genuinely asking this?

Although I couldn't trust my voice I forced myself to speak, "Uh... excuse me? I don't see how this is relevant." I looked around the room to the other crew member who just shrugged.

She shrugged, "I can completely see how this is relevant. Our viewers would love to hear this." She told us matter of factly.

I folded my arms, "I don't think my love life is none of your, or anyone else's for that matter, concern. Are we done here?" I asked, growing impatient.

She looked down at the piece of paper and shook her head, "We still have a few more questions to-"
Din stood up and pulled me up, "No we are done here." As he pulled me away and out of the camera view we both began to laugh and the crew members suppressed laughter. The interviewer sat shocked for a moment.

I net eyes with Carly (who had picked us both up) briefly but me and Din were soon out the door. When we were out in the freezing cold air we both burst out into hysterics, "What a twat!" Din exclaimed pulling me to the car.

"I know right!" I laughed tensely but tried to conceal it.

Once we were at the car Din wrapped his scarf around the both of us and our faces hurt from smiling, "Seriously though, are you okay? She shouldn't of asked that."

I shrugged and nodded, "Im with you, of course I'm okay. And it will give Scotty Lounds something to write about." I raised my eyebrows.

His grin widened, "Oh god yeah! I Miss her articles, she hasn't written in a long time. Suppose we haven't given her anything to write about though, welk now we have." He shrugged.

I heard another pair of footsteps crunch in the snow and looked up to see Carly making her way towards the car, "I'm so sorry guys. That wasn't on the script and she wasn't meant to ask that. I have spoken to her manager and she is getting swiftly fired. But do you mind if we still release the interview? We Need it for advertising."

Both me and Din nodded, "Yeah. It's a bit funny anyway." I said.

We got in the car, me and Din in the back and Carly up front with the driver. "We're you alright today?" I asked. "You seemed a little tense."

"Just my first interview in a while, I was nervous. Oh hey completely unrelated but would you like to have some hot chocolate when we get back, my house will be quite cold." He told me.

"Of course I want hot chocolate?" I said.

Time skip by me trying to write something cute which isn't cringey (it's an impossible task).

When we walked through the door of Din's house we were immediately met with bitterly cold air. It was even colder than outside! "Oh fuck!" I exclaimed the hair on my arm stood up.

"Yeah..." Din said, "It's from living in the middle of nowhere." He told me. "Come on lets go get some warm clothes on." He ushered me upstairs.

When we were in his bedroom I threw on two more jumpers but it wasn't enough, "Heu do you Live in the middle of a fucking field? It's freezing!"

He shrugged, "If I don't want to be found by paparazzi, I have to be off the grid." He laughed.

"I suppose." I rolled my eyes, "He do you have another jumper I could borrow, mine are thin and I'm freezing." I told him gesturing to the huge pile of hoodies next to him.

"Why did you bring a thin jumper to New York?" He threw me a Navy blue Knut jumper. "In Winter." He added.

"I Live in texas, what do you expect?" I folded my arms, which had now became increasingly more difficult with the excessive layers I was wearing.

Soon enough me and Din lay on his Sofa in front of a fire. We were under two blankets, one of which was from Grogu's room (who was having a sleepover tonight) and the other was from his spare bedroom. We were watching a movie and we were both leaning against each other, semi relying on each other to keep warm.

It want even late but from the weather and the day we had, we were both pretty drowsy.

Before I could think about what I was saying I blurted, "I wish I could do this all the time. I don't want filming to end, I don't want to go back to texas."

Din's eyes were closed and his voice was deep and muffled my the blankets, "Then don't. Stau here with me. You could move in."

1373 words

Luke's a country boy :)

Ps, I changed the cover and the name cause it didn't really make sense for what I was writing :) I came up with the original name in a hurry.

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