Chapter 17- Disappointment

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Luke's pov:

We all sat at a long dining table while Grogu opened his presents. Me and Din sat next to eachother while Grogu sat in between his Nan and Grandad. He ripped the paper of the perfectly wrapped paper with pure excitement and when he had opened it would exclaim whatever the present was, "Ah cool! A hot wheels track!" He blurted out with a smile.

He would proceed to try and open the box and his Nan would say, "No no no, not yet. Wait till after tea." And then would adjust the pearls around her neck.

His aunty Ashoka hadn't said anything to me yet but she had been shooting me little glances.

Soon Don's father came in holding a few plates of food and placing them in front of everyone. He even carried some on his forearms. Just like Din, I shot a glance at him as his father laid down the plates and he whispered, "Guess who's restaurant I worked at." He smirked.

I smiled as I met his eyes. When Din's father had sat back down he cleared his throat picking his knife and fork up, "Tuck in then everyone." Everyone began eating and he looked up at me and finished chewing, "So... Luke... you are an actor I hear."

"Yes sir." I nodded. Shit was that too formal? Was I being weird. I felt my cheeks burn up. Din was worriedly looking at me and under the table rested his hand on my knee and I felt my body relax a bit.

Dins father nodded, "And how did you and Din meet? You seem quite close." He remarked.

Before I could speak Din butted my in, "We're in a show together Dad. I told you this." His face grew displeased and he put his knife and fork down.

Din's fathers eyebrows raised, "You got cast in another show?" He asked.

Din furrowed his eyebrow and then sighed, "Yes I did. I told you months ago Dad."

His father shrugged, "Oh well I don't really pay attention. No one thought this acting career was going anywhere anyway."

Both me and Ashoka suppressed a gasp unsuccessfully, Grogu was too concentrated on his food to notice what was going on. Dins grip on my knee tightened, not to hurt me though, was it to reassure me?

Din bit his lip trying to suppress his visible anger. His mother butted in, "What I think your father meant was-"

Din's father interrupted her, "No he knew perfectly what I meant. I mean seriously Din! You could of became something important : a doctor, a lawyer, a chef! But no, you chose to live out your little fantasies instead. And now your bringing random men to our home." He went on.

"Excuse me? First of all, Luke is not some 'random man', he's my friend and Grogu's friend. And Grogu wanted him here. You never had a problem with Ashoka! She's just some random woman!" He exclaimed then turned his head to Ashoka, "No offence."

She put her thumbs up to symbol she understood.

Din's father sighed and went on, "But that is exactly the point, she's a woman!"

Everyone went speechless, especially Din. His mouth hung open slightly in both disbelief and disappointment. He took a minute to collect himself and then his hand traveled to my hand and he interlocked it with mine. How stood up pulling me up with him, "Me and Luke are going to take some time away from you now." He said calmly as possible.

I didn't want to disagree so I just went with him. He pulled me into a lounge room and slumped down on the sofa. I sat upright next ti him and began running my hands through his hair, trying to calm him. His breathing had become unsteady and he looked hurt.

"Are you alright?" I asked calmly. "Sorry, that was a stupid question, of course your aren't. Would you like to talk about it?"

He shook his head, "Just hold me please." And I did just that.

The room was awfully quiet with just one lamp on, a warm orange glow illuminating the cold room. I glanced around the room, at the expensive looking trinket on the coffee table, on the beautiful paintings hung up in the wall and then back at Din.

He went from staring off into space to closing his eyes and then staring off into space again. He wrapped his arms around my waist, "Would we ever be together?" He asked quietly so it was almost inaudible.

"Do you want to?" I paused my movements, trying to be as careful as possible with this delicate conversation.

He laughed weakly and not for long at all, "I... before I met you I never felt whole. Then you came and... well I did. Some days I have felt so happy that I don't know how to use or express it. Sometimes I feel too worried I'm going to loose you though. I don't want to loose you and know I never told you how I felt."

"I'm not going anywhere Din. I want to stay with you. My love for you is deep and undeniable. If I could have the honour of a relationship with you I would be so grateful. I love you." I told him.

He sat up slowly, looking at me with a slight expression of shock, "Wow I... I love you too." He slowly pulled me closer to him and gently kissed my lips. It wasn't desperate, it was needed.

We separated quite quickly but just at the right time, "I think you know what you need to do." I said. Din slumped down sitting back next to me, his shoulder rubbing mine. He nodded, "You need to speak to them, express how you feel, tell them how it hurts you."

Din nodded again, "Why did you choose acting? You should of become a therapist." He snorted with a bit more energy this time.

I turned to him with my mouth open, "That feels like an insult to my acting." I exclaimed, raising hand to my heart, pretending to be offended.

"No I didn't mean it like that I just- what I meant to say was-" a knock at the door stoppe him. Saved by the bell.

Before either of us could answer it opened slowly, Ashoka walked in with hesitant eyes and holding Grogu's hand. "He wanted to see you." She spoke to Din, "And I did."

Grogu smiled and ran to his Dad. Din grinned and opened his arms when Grogu jumped into them. I watched him as he and Grogu laughed, that was something I admired about Din, how much he loved his son.

While Din was cuddling Grogu, Ashoka sat opposite us and looked between me and Din, "Your mum is speaking to your Dad. She's not happy with his behaviour either."

Din's mood went down however he still cuddled a very sleepy Grogu. "She apologises for his actions but she knows that's not enough. She says it wouldn't be good to talk about it now and just to wait a few days until he has calmed down."

Din nodded, "I know." Is tone was sullen and he sounded defeated.

Ashoka looked between Din and me with a weak smile, "I think you two need to spend some time with each other tonight. Would you like me to have Grogu?" She asked.

Din nodded, "That would be nice." He looked down at Grogu, who's eyes fluttered from open to closed, "Would you like to have a sleepover at Aunty Ashokas house tonight?" He asked.

Grogu grew a bit more energetic and nodded, "Birthday sleepover at Aunty Ashokas! Yay!"

Din smiled weakly, "Happy birthday dude." He rested his head on top of his son's, who had fallen asleep.

Ashoka lifted him out of Don's hands and cradled him, "Get home safe Din. And you too Luke. It was lovely to meet you." She smiled softly.

"Nice to meet you too Ashoka." I lowered my head and then followed Din out the door.

He handed me my scarf and jacket while his mother came through the dinning room door and into the hall. Her face was filled with disappointment, "Im sorry Din. I'm sorry he ruined Grogu's birthday. I'm sorry for what he said about you Luke." She looked at me.

Din sighed, "Thank you mum, but you know who I want to hear an apology off." He struggled getting his word out slightly.

She nodded and kept her head down, "He will come round. Please keep in touch though, and have a good night." She pulled me and him into a hug right before letting us go. We said our goodbyes and then left, tension was thick in the air.

1486 words
Sorry not sorry. I was feeling sad today so you have to suffer too :)

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