Chapter 15- Photoshoot

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Luke's pov:

We had finished filming the last episode and it ended sadly gut nicely ; villain sacrifices himself so the hero can live, its his only heroic action, blah blah blah. Lando showed us a rough edit of the scene and me and Din both teared up a bit (in the least narcissistic way possible).

So now, it was all on promoting the show. Me and Din now sat in hair and makeup chairs getting ready for a photoshoot. The wardrobe team from the show had leant us pieces of our costumes so we could create an inspired outfit but not a complete costume.

While the hair stylist was doing, something, with my hair I spoke to Din while staring into the mirror, "Hey, when is that interview coming out?"

Din took a long pause to think, "Should be coming out in... three days I think. I wonder if they have made any cuts to it?" He pondered.

"Nah, they need the publicity." I told him. I heard a dong on my phone and glanced down at it. It was a message from Leia.


Im gonna need some explaining after this article. Very suspicious...

I rolled my eyes at her message and clicked on the link she had sent me, "Ooo! Leia has just sent me a Scotty Lounds piece." I exclaimed.

Din's back straightened, "Read it then!" He demanded.

I nodded. "It says-

Dinluke : Everyone's new favourite winter rom com
By Scotty A Lounds

By now we are all aware that something is defiantly going on between Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker, even they do. However, these pictures quite literally confirm it!

Its a snowy winters day and it looks like Din and Luke have both just stormed out of RWJ studios in the blistering cold. Look at the way they are leaning against that car and each other. Its practically perfect!

Everyone here wishes them the best of luck and no one will be surprised when they tell us they are married.

- and there are photos of us when we left the studio the other day." I told Din, "You know when you wrapped your scarf around me."

He nodded, "Ah I see. Are the photos nice?" He asked.

"Yeah they are." I nodded staring down at the beautiful, crystal white snowflakes which had been captured perfectly. But then at Din's face, he was smiling at mr and I was grinning straight back. It looked like we were sharing a joke and it made me smile, "They really."

Time skip brought to you by the wave of cringe that goes over my body when I have to (this is my choice) write romance.

"Right guys." The photographer clapped his hands together, "We are going a more free route with this, meaning there isn't any exact poses you need to do. Honestly just have a conversation and we will photograph you. We really just need to capture the bond of your characters really. You both look great by the way."

I smiled, "Thank you, and okay."

I gently brushed my hand with Din's as I looked around the space we had to work with. It was an old kind of industrial style building with open bricks. Usually I wouldn't do a photo shoot here but it was perfect for the show.

I pulled Din over to a windowsill with a large, old style window. I sat down and crossed my legs, "Lie your head in my lap." I told him.

"Excuse me?" He asked slightly alarmed.

"Lie your head in my lap. It would be so nice for the photo imagine how elegant it would look as a front cover." I pleaded with a whisper while the camera crew set up their equipment.

He rolled his eyes, "Of course." Ans he lay down vertically, resting his head on my lap and stretching his legs across the window sill.

I saw the photographer smile, "Prefect! Just talk to each other, pretend we are not here and I will take some photos." He told us.

I nodded and looked down at Din who was staring up at me with a dumb smile on his face, "Hi." I said.

His smile grew, "I forgot to mention, we're having a family dinner for Grogu's birthday and he really wants you to come. You up for it?" He asked.

"Does he really want me there? Or is this just some plot so you can spend more time with me?" I smirked.

"Grogu insisted!" Din protested, his face softened when he remembered where we were, "So... will you come?" He asked.

I nodded, "Of course I will. Who will be there?" I asked.

"Me, Grogu, my mum, my dad, my brother and sister in law as well." He said.

"Wow, I'm already meeting your family." I laughed, "God, take me to dinner first."

His face rested into a semi-serious face, "I have?"

I tried to ignore the romantic implications of what he had said and just chose to gently push a curl of hair out of his eye, "I know you have Din."

"Perfect!" The photographer exclaimed. "That hair touching shot was perfect, such genuin smiles as well. Would you like to change scenery now?" He asked.

It was Din who nodded this time, "What about the sofa?" He asked and I was dragged along with him. It was more of a velvet love seat rather than a sofa but whatever.

I sat down next to him and at first he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We did some standard photos of just looking into the camera first and then he slid his arm down to rest on my waist and I looked at him with a slight smile.

"Beautiful!" The photographer added and then the camera flashed.

Me and Din began chuckling and the photographer took photos as fast as he could.

Throughout the photos shoot we moved around the set a lot. In some I had wrapped me arms around his neck, others he was pretending to kiss my hand.  Ut the majority of them were just laughing.

The photographer told us that the magazine would be out soon and that the first copies would be posted to us.

When we had left and we were both wrapped in hats, scarfs, coats and gloves Din turned to me with a shaky smile, "I would love to do that again."

"Good. We have another three booked." I broke the news to him.

1101 words
If I ever write another chapter as cringy as that, feel free to push me down the stairs. :)

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