Chapter 4- Laughing

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Luke's pov:

The script read through went well and was honestly kind of fun. Usually with script run through d it drags on and ges quite boring but with Din it really wasn't. I think because he's a voice actor there is just this natural charm about him and he can just attract a room.

It also probably took far longer than it should have because I kept forgetting to speak ; I was getting so lost admiring Din's perfect face that they had to snap me out if it quite a lot.  I felt a bit embarrassed as Din clearly knew what I was doing (he winked at me) and every time I would snap my head back.

Once the read through was finished we all began out own conversations as we all separated. Din walked walked with me to the door as he spoke, "Are you alright? What was going on earlier?" He asked.

I (once again) was snapped out of my gaze and said, "Huh?! Oh yeah... just a bit distracted thats all." I smiled.

Din laughed, "By my beautiful face?" He smirked sarcastically. He rested his warm hand on my cold shoulder as made our way to the main exit.

I shrugged, "So what if it was?" I asked trying to out on a brave face. Din swung the door open and we were immediately met with camera flashes. How had they found us already? Din squeezed my shoulder and looked at me, "Ill see you soon alright?" He smiled.

I sighed and nodded watching my bodyguards push back the crowds of people, "Yes. Of course." I smiled back up at him as he returned the gesture. It felt like a seen from a romance novel, the wind blowing our hair, small intimate words and how close we were. But it wasn't.

Before I was brought back to full consciousness he was gone and getting into his car which was surrounded by paparazzi. My other bodyguard was bow ushering me to the car and I sat in the back seat next to Carly.

She looked at me and laughed, "Well that encounter will give 'em something." She said raising het eyebrow at me.

I was still in a daze and slowly turned my head, "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh come on! That was pretty much straight out of a fan fiction, I was convinced he was going to push your hair behind your ear while muttering some weird allegories. And you were no better! You were practically jumping into his arms. You were at the top of steps in the snow and not leaving any room for Jesus. Tabloids are going to have a field day!" She exclaimed.

I nodded my head looking down at my feet in shame, "Yeah... sorry." I didn't look up at her.

"Sorry? You don't have to be sorry. If you want a showmance have a showmance. But if you break up I will not be dealing with all the messy press." She warned me.

I laughed, "First of all this is not going to be a 'showmance'." I said, "We all know my track record with boyfriends. Second of all even if there was a showmance I wouldn't force you to deal with it."

"'No showmance'." She mocked, "Over my dead body, just move in with him now. Your practically married."

I rolled my eyes, "Im ignoring you now." I laughed and Carly shrugged.

I turned my attention down to a phone where I saw a message from Din.

Hot actor

I cant wait to see the headlines for this one!

Ikr. Competition, who can come up with the best fake headline.

Alright bet.
'Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker are living out their rom-com dreams and we are hear for it!'

I cackled to myself reviving a look from Carly. I gestured down to my phone and she rolled her eyes and nodded.

No no no I've got one!
'Are you more of a Din or a Luke. Take this quiz to find out'
It would be buzz feed as well.

Thats good!

I was laughing to myself and Carly loomed over my shoulder that I was in hysterics over, "You put him in your contacts as hot actor?" She raised an eyebrow.

My face straightened with horror, "In my defence he called himself that." I held up my hands in defence.

749 words

Get a room.

Also... me updating my story 😱

Just like the tabloids~ DinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now