Chapter 6- just to clarify

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Luke's pov:

The next morning I was awoken by a very angry call from Carly. Snapping awake in my bed I grabbed my phone and held it up to my ear. She began, "I don't know what the bloody hell you were doing last night mister but now I've got five hundred different tabloids begging for an interview."

I rubbed my forehead as my eyes adjusted the the morning light and said, "What on earth are you going on about?" I asked my ears ringing from the sound of her shouts.

"What am I- never mind. Ill send you a screen shot." She sighed. I heard her type away until a notification came through on my phone, "Just read that."

Lazily I opened her message to see a screen shot. I recognised the name instantaneously.

Dinluke dates already?
By Scotty A. Lounds

The dinluke fans really got a treat last night with paparazzi pictures of Din and Luke leaving a very classy restaurant. This was defiantly a date I mean come on! Din Djarin is practically carrying a drunk Luke down those stairs.

Speaking of Luke, how much did he have to drink last night? He's falling down those stairs and looks like he's just smoked so much weed. I can only imagine why all the cameras flashing felt like.

And this final picture Din helping Luke into his car and then speeding off into the distance. Where were they going? So many questions left unanswered.

So, was this just a friendly chat... or something far more.

My obviously hungover brain hurt after reading that but I laughed, "Wow. These just keep getting better. I hope Scotty Lounds releases a book on us." I joked.

"She better dam not!" Carly exclaimed, "I am not sorting you mess out this time, go on Twitter and clear it all up yourself." She said but I wasn't really listening.

"I wonder how she gets these out so fast?" I pondered.

"How does she- Luke did you hear what I just said?!" She shouted.

"Yeah yeah, Twitter..." I mumbled scrolling through the article and looking through an about the author page.

She sighed, "What did you even do last night?"

"To be honest... I don't really know." I heard he begin to gasp, "No not like that! We were having a friendly chat about the show and then I drank a little too much." I cleared up and looked around my hotel bedroom, "he must of drove me home."

She sighed, "Okay... don't do anything stupid within the next week so you are ready for filming. And please thank Din for being the responsible one."

I rolled my eyes, "I will. Thank you Carly." And she hung up.

I lay back in my bed and heard the door slowly creek open. Din's head peered around the corner, "Shes mad isn't she?" He asked.

I nodded then my eyes widened, "How did you get in my hotel room?!" I panicked.

He opened the door wider waking in with a plate of waffles in his hands, "I brought you breakfast." He pushed the plate towards me and I took it.

I nodded, "Thank you. But that doesn't really answer my question - how did you get in my hotel room?" I repeated.

"Oh. I drove you home last night and wanted to make sure you were okay today so I stopped over." He told me. "I slept on the sofa don't worry."

"Aw thank you Din you didn't have to do that." my mind was blew that I had been driven home drunk my idol. "What about your son though?" I asked cutting up a chunk of waffle.

He made his way into the room and sat at the end of my bed, "He was at a friends house lat night anyway. I have to go and pick him up in a couple of hours."

I nodded, "Good, just making sure he wasn't alone." I took another bite of the waffles, "Wow these are really good! Did you make these?" I asked.

He looked down in shame, "My cooking is shocking. I ordered it in from a dessert shop. Trust me you wouldn't want them if I had made them." He laughed.

I laughed along with him, "Ill have to teach you then." I joked.

He nodded, "Grogu like your cupcake by the way. He said you'll have to come round so you can bake with him." He said and I smiled.

"I would love to come round and bake with Grogu!" I exclaimed my body filling with joy.

Din tensed up, "Oh... yes um you... maybe not soon though." He smiled awkwardly. I didn't know what this was all about and I also didn't want to push so I hurt left it.

As I continued eating my phone pinged. I looked down at it.


Your Twitter post needs to include the following:
•why you were out with Din
•that you are not dating Din
•and that you don't like people shipping you with him

I snorted and replied with:

Awww 😪 I thought you were rooting for me and Din's bromance here though!!!

I laughed and looked back up at Din shutting off my phone, "Carly needs me to clear up last night on Twitter." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you going to?" He asked expectantly.

I nodded, "Yeah... its probably for the best." I said.

He nodded as well, "Yeah probably."

I finished my breakfast and began to type on Twitter. The post read:

Hey! Just to clarify last nights photos were taken out of context. Me and Din were just having a fun night out talking about work and other things. We are defiantly not dating and would really appreciate if you stopped saying that as its a tad weird. However yes i was completely smashed in those photos and I am living with the painful consequences now.

I showed it to Din who nodded in approval with a strange sad glint in his eye and then posted it. It gained attention extremely quickly.

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