Chapter 3- Poetic

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Luke's pov:

Monday rolled around quickly so here I was at five am preparing breakfast (cupcakes). When meeting a cast for a show I like to show a kind gesture and I forgot about baking it all week so I had to wake up early. While the cupcakes baked I ate my own breakfast which consisted of a protein bar and coffee. I know its not good but it was all I had in my hotel that wasn't ingredients.

To be productive while they were baking I read through the script they had emailed me so I could get a sense of what I need to convey in each scene before I have to read it in front of anyone. The script was beautiful ; poetic dialogue, sarcasm in the right places and lots of romance. I was very upset I didn't get to finish it all right that second.

Originally when the director pitched it to me it seemed out of my range. He pitched it as an action series however I usually stick to romance. This though... had everything. It could help me branch out into other genres while still sticking to something familiar.

When they were done, I took them out the oven and allowed them to cool. While they were cooling I took a shower and got dressed. A knitted yellow jumper and blue jeans.

Once I had finished decorating the cupcakes my manager rang me. She said, "The car is here Luke, get your arse down here." And hung up.

I quickly put the cupcakes in the box slid on my shoes grabbed my hotel key and hopped out the door messily. While I walked down the corridors I slid my shoes on properly took the keys out my mouth and put them in my pocket.

I saw a large black car with blackout windows and immediately knew it was for me. I made my way towards it and the door opened from the inside. Carly smiled at me and said, "Just had a shower?" She raised her eyebrow and smirked.

Once I was sat down with the box of cupcakes on my lap I raised a hand to my head and felt mg wet hair. I sighed, "I spent the entire morning baking I forgot." I frowned.

"Open the window a bit. Hopefully it will dry it off slightly." She told me and I Dod just that feeling the winter morning breeze drift through window and directly into my face.

"So I assume you have read the script?" She asked tipping her sunglasses down at me.

"Yes of course I- why are you wearing sunglasses in the winter?" I interrupted myself.

"Sensitive eyes, you can get snow blindness you know." She informed me.

"Okie dokie. Now back to what you were saying." I smiled.

"Oh yes, are you exited?" She asked. What? I thought she was going to tell me something important.

I nodded, "Yes of course."

"Good." She said, "The director really likes you. I think he would of gone into cardiac arrest if you said no." She laughed.

I joined her laughter, "Yeah seemed it." I smiled, "Hey, do you know who is playing my love interest Carly? I really wanna see him." I begged her to tell me.

She shrugged, "If I did I would tell you but I don't know. Lando is being very strict about who knows about the cast list. He really thinks this is going to be something big and doesn't want anyone to know." She told me.

Slowly I nodded, "I see."

The car slowed down and pulled up on the curb. "Here we are." Carly said.

I nodded and began to get out an idea springing to mind. I quickly opened the cupcake box and handed her one, "Thank you Carly!" And rushed out.

I burst through the doors or the building and almost fainted when I saw who was there. "Din!" His head snapped towards me and he grinned. I threw the cupcake box down onto the table next to me as I ran towards him, a smile growing on my face, and pulled him into a tight hug.

I have only met Din once but we had been talking constantly over the phone and it felt like we had known each other for years. He squeezed me back and then we both pulled away. My hands held his forearms as I said, "What are you doing here?!" I smiled.

"I got cast Luke." He smiled back at me.

"Contrasts!" I practically shouted.  My head tilted to the side. "I thought you were only ever going to do voice acting though?"

He nodded deeply, "I know, I decided to go outside of my comfort zone though. The character wears a helmet most the tome anyway." He shrugged.

My eyes lit up with excitement, "Are you playing Litho's?!" I asked with excitement.

He nodded, "Are you playing Hemel?!" He asked with even more excitement.

I frantically nodded and we pulled each other into another hug. You see, Litho's is the antagonist of the story, the one who Hemel is sent to capture but they end up falling in love. Its a classic enemies go lovers. This also means I get to kiss Din Djarin! Anyway...

We had clearly drawn the attention of a man who made his way toward us. I realised it was Lando (the director), "You kids know each other?" He asked.

We both nodded. He slowly nodded as well making his way into the hall. When he was gone I rushed back to my box of cupcakes and presented them to Din, "Want one?" I asked.

His jaw dropped, "Do I? You don't have to ask twice!" He quickly took one out and immediately started eating it. He smiled as he ate and once he finished chewing his bite he said, "Whoah. Did you
make these?" He asked. I nodded. "Wow these are so good. Could I take one home for Grogu?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"Oh my kid. His name is Grogu." He smiled.

"Of course." I pushed the box back towards him and he took another cupcake. "Do you wanna go
inside they are probably waiting for us."

He modded and we made our way inside.

1069 words
There are meanings behind the name of the show characters I promise. I didnt just stick a bunch of letters together.

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