Chapter 5

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Tsunade was sitting at her desk looking over some paperwork. For once there wasn't much there so maybe she could finish early and have some much deserved relaxation time. At the moment she was focused primarily on the plan she and the others had formed after evaluating Akane last night. It had taken a trick-or-treater's worth of candy to pacify the fox girl enough so they could actually look over her without Naruto present. Luckily she didn't eat it all at once, and unfortunately she had to fight Anko for some of it. Anko got a good number of scratch marks on her arms for it, and Shizune replied she had once warned the snake summoner her sweet tooth would get her in trouble someday. Anko just grunted and made some rude comment under her breath no one heard.

The papers she held now were regarding Akane's custody and status in Konoha. Tsunade felt that as long as no one unnecessary knew about her true identity, and nothing provoked some sort of memory gain then the young girl was no threat. And if raised the right way she could be helpful to the village. Not a living weapon like Danzou would have planned, but rather a good contributor or guardian to the village. Suna had Shukaku, Kumo had the Nibi and Hachibi, and even Kiri once had the Sanbi, so why couldn't Konoha have the Kyuubi as it's guardian?

Still, raising the Kyuubi would pose a problem, more for Naruto than anyone else as Inoichi pointed out last night.


"Hokage-sama, may I have a word with you for a moment?" Inoichi asked while Tsume and a now-bandaged Anko looked over Akane who looked ready to pass out and sleep.

"About what?" Tsunade asked.

Inoichi led them to a separate room connected to the main part of the interrogation chamber. "I'm really concerned on how this girl is going to affect Naruto."

Tsunade's eyebrows arched and her arms crossed, showing her concern and interest on the subject. "Go on."

"Now, I don't mean that Naruto's in any danger from her. It's just that having her think of him as her father is going to probably be stressful for him." Inoichi paused to see if Tsunade would ask anything. When she didn't, he continued. "Naruto's never had a real family to begin with, having to think of close friends and others like you as family instead. So ultimately he has no role model or way to base any parenting style off of. He'll have no idea what he's doing. Add that into the fact that he didn't have nine months to prepare for parenthood or a loved one to share the burden with, will only mean that Naruto might not feel up to the task of raising the girl, even if he can't bring himself to not try it."

Tsunade nodded. "You're right. He didn't have time to prepare for this situation. However, he can't ignore it and neither can we. The best we can do is give Naruto all the support he needs. Naruto will officially be declared Akane's legal guardian tomorrow and she will be legally declared his daughter by adoption. Screw whatever denials the council might claim for whatever stupid reason they might come up with. They don't need to know anything else on the subject, just like anyone else not present tonight."

"Hokage-sama, given what I've just said, is that really wise?" Inoichi asked.

"I believe this might be a good thing. Akane is no threat at the moment and I feel if she's raised with care she could be a great help to the village. Not a weapon, but you must admit having the Kyuubi as an ally is much better than as an enemy. And this could help Naruto mature greatly. Team Eight could also benefit from helping him nurture the child." Tsunade told the Yamanaka clan head.

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