Chapter 28

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When it looked like the seal was about to work, a puff of smoke appeared where Akane had been. When it cleared, one of the eight foxes using the seal was in her place. The other seven stopped what they were doing and four of them went over to check up on him. The other three turned to look where that fox had been, and saw a red fox trying to get out of it's bindings fiercely.

"Impressive that you did a substitution just then, but it's not going to work a second time, kit." A bronze seven-tailed fox told her, walking up to her casually. Akane growled and looked like she was about to get a paw loose. The bronze fox retaliated by hitting her hard just below the neck, making her pass out.

So the three foxes grabbed onto the unconscious Akane and dragged her back to the center. The one fox that she had done the substitution with was okay, although he probably shouldn't operate any heavy machinery for a few days, and so all eight foxes took their positions again around the seal. Akane looked like she was beginning to be come conscious again, so they all hurried to continue what they had been doing.

The next thing Akane saw was the ground below her start to glow then her vision fade into whiteness.

Team Eight and Ten stood on both sides of Dansue, the electric ROOT reject. Both teams simply surrounded her, trying to keep their guards up and wait for a sign to move. Dansue kept her arms crossed and her eyes darted back towards Ichi who was hiding in a tree behind her. Both sides looked like they were waiting for the other to make the first move just then. Shikamaru crouched down slowly and got his Shadow Possession Jutsu ready to ensnare her. But Dansue saw this coming and hopped away from it, sending a small bolt of lightning towards him without making any hand signs first.

Shikamaru wasn't fast enough in his current position to dodge her, so he got hit by the blast. But luckily for him it was actually a rather weak attack, almost like static electricity that lasted for ten seconds and affected the whole body. 'How did she do that? And something tells me that's not her best attempt. This could be really troublesome.'

Shino tried using his insects on her as she dodged Shikamaru's trick. The beetles made contact but they seemed to get shocked on contact. Those that did fell off her while the rest just swarmed safely around Shino's body. Dansue saw the many bugs around her feet and started stepping on all of them. Shino looked mad now, even with his face mostly hidden.

Two light flares were thrown towards them from behind Dansue. These ones weren't too bright to look at so they inadvertently drew everyones attention briefly. While they looked they all felt their ankles suddenly come together as if tied up. They looked down and saw their feet were indeed tied together, but by shadows instead of rope. And these shadows had a tight hold, as if a Nara had done this.

Dansue snickered and flexed her hands. "Looks like you're not going anywhere now. Too bad." Small sets of sparks started to flicker around her skin, as if she was building up some kind of electric technique.

Shikamaru was still crouched down and forward so no one paid much attention to what he was doing. Because of the Nara family techniques, using shadows against him was possibly the stupidest defense there was. One might as well try to bind Chouji or Naruto with ramen noodles. So it was a synch for the shirker to use his own chakra to move the confining shadows off his feet. But rather than extend his shadow to ensnare the electric girl right away, he used his shadow to free his teammates first. He figured it would be wiser for them to be unbound if this girl tried to counter his shadow again.

When Dansue seemed satisfied with the amount of sparks around her, she started a series of hands signs. But before she could call out a name, Chouji shouted one out. "Partial Expansion Jutsu: Both Arms." His arms grew in length and size and surrounded her closely, as if caging her. Luckily for him all his extra fat and muscle along with tougher-than-normal skin gave him a much greater tolerance than most people for handling direct voltage. If she attacked now it wouldn't do much good. Shikamaru also took the chance to use his shadow to free the Team Eight members.

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