Chapter 6

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Before Naruto and Team Eight left the hokage tower, Naruto had knelt down to face his new daughter. "So Akane-chan, you understand the cover story right?" They had told her what to say if anyone asked about who she was or where she came from.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm not a fox demon but a normal person. I have some kind of special ability that lets me transform and becoming a fox is the easiest thing for me to transform into. I can't let anyone know the truth since there are many here who might try to kill me if they knew. Or worse, whatever that means. And I came from near the border of Land of Fire with no memories of anything before some kind of attack that killed everyone I knew."

Naruto nodded and grinned. "Very good. You got it right." He patted her on the head. "And remember, outside my apartment, you have to always look human. No fox features where anybody can see you, okay?" She nodded. "Good. Do that and you should be okay."

"So what are we going to do today?" Akane asked.

"How about I introduce you to some people I know? It'll help you meet people and know what to do around them." Naruto suggested.

"Okay. Anybody close to my age?"

Kiba leaned close to Shino. "I hope she means kids cause I don't think we're going to find anybody here several centuries old." Shino simply nodded in agreement.

"I think I know just the guys." Naruto replied. "Let's go look around. We're bound to find someone." He then turned to the rest. "You guys gonna come along?"

"Sorry Naruto, but I have to take a bi-annual Aburame-style physical around noon, so I'm afraid I must part from here. Another time." Shino told him.

"I'll try in the afternoon. I kinda promised my sister I'd do a favor at the vet clinic this morning after this. So I'll look for you after lunchtime." Kiba added.

"I'm available. I'll go with you Naruto-kun." Hinata said happily.

'She sure likes being with Otou-san. I wonder why.' Akane thought.

Kiba and Shino said goodbye and went on their way while Naruto, Hinata, and Akane went somewhere else. "Maybe she should take Akane-chan to a park where she could meet some kids." Hinata suggested. "It would be better for her than trying to find some adults."

Naruto smiled. "Sounds good to me."

About fifteen minutes away from the park they were heading to they ran across Kakashi Hatake, who was predictably reading one of his favorite Icha Icha books.

The sight of his old student with his girlfriend and a child out in public caught Kakashi's attention. "Hi there Naruto. Who's this with you? Are you babysitting or something?"

Akane turned to Naruto. "Is he one of the guys you know, Otou-san?"

'What did she just call him?' Kakashi asked himself.

"Yeah, he's one of my old teachers." Naruto answered the little girl.

Akane looked back at the white-haired jounin. For some reason she sensed this guy was knowledgeable but unreliable. "Why do you wear a mask and hide your eye?"

"Well, my reasons are my own. And I have to keep this eye covered. If I don't it could cause problems for me and others." Kakashi remarked lazily.

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