Chapter 27

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Unable to just sit around and wait, Naruto and Hinata went right up to the hokage tower and barged into Tsunade's room without any invitation or warning. She didn't look too happy as Konohamaru and his team were there getting a short mission when this happened. "Is it that hard to knock gaki? May you someday have to deal with-"

"Baa-chan, Akane-chan's been taken away." Naruto cut her off.

And it worked perfectly. Tsunade and Shizune both looked like someone just told them they were long lost sisters or something. "Alright you three, go wait in the hall for a few minutes. This here is a big priority and potential emergency."

"What's the big deal?" Konohamaru asked, looking at the older woman then Naruto. Both gave him a serious look that told him now was not the time.

Moegi grabbed his arm and pulled. "Come on Konohamaru-kun. We should get going." He didn't bother to argue and left wondering what had upset his boss so much.

Tsunade clapsed her hands together and rested her chin on them as Shizune took a seat. "Tell me what happened, and leave no detail out."

"Wait a moment." Shizune added before the two chuunin could answer. Then she raised the privacy jutsu complete with sound barrier in the office interior. "Now you can talk freely."

"Apparently while we were out some demon foxes came and took Akane-chan back to their home. Somehow a demon fox found out about her and told them about Akane and some fox council decided they want the old Kyuubi back." Naruto answered. He then remembered her telling him in Wave about coming across some unfriendly foxes and wondered if that had been what she meant.

Tsunade's frown deepened. 'Damn. And what's worse is I have no idea what to do about it. That girl's ironically one of the best things to happen for Naruto, and I really don't want anything happening to her.'

"Do you have any idea where the fox demons might live?" Hinata anxiously asked.

Tsunade sighed and shook her head. "Sorry, I don't. I only know the whereabouts of the slugs, toads, and snakes thanks to my old teammates. I haven't a clue for any foxes."

"So all we can do is wait and hope she can come back?" Naruto asked, worried and angry at the same time. His fists were trembling too, making Hinata wrap an arm around his shoulders to try and pacify him a little.

"I'm afraid that's exactly all we can do for now, Naruto. And I don't like it any more than you do, believe me." The slug sannin replied.

Akane meanwhile found herself surrounded by trees and shrubs as if she was just outside Konoha's walls. But the scent of the area told her she was nowhere near her home. The six foxes that had latched onto her let go and three ran off to the east. The remaining three stayed with her and kept a stern eye on her. She gave one of her own back and showed off her claws. "Okay, what the hell were you just thinking?"

"Nothing personal Kyuubi-sama, just-" A teal fox with three tails tried to tell her, but before he could finish two of his tails were ripped off and held in Akane's hands.

"They just don't learn do they?" Akane quietly asked herself.

The two other foxes then pounced from behind and pinned her to the ground. Akane did a substitution with a nearby large rock she saw, and took the opportunity to try and run off. She had no idea where she was or where she was going, only that she didn't want to be right there. Assuming she was being pursued, Akane created about eighty shadow clones and had them scatter, making it virtually impossible to track her easily.

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