Chapter 8

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Morning came and Naruto woke up early. He glanced into what had just been turned into Akane's room and saw her still asleep. The room wasn't decorated at all and seemed pretty much devoid of flair and personality. All that really was in there was a futon with an orange blanket and a dresser for her spare clothes. But the young girl didn't mind, at least for now. Probably since she was mostly an animal she could live without possessions and not be bothered. However, since she planned on living in a human village as a human, she was going to need some to make it easier and more believable.

The idea got Naruto thinking as he quietly closed the door. 'I guess this is really happening. I... I'm responsible for a kid now. And not just any kid, the Kyuubi herself. Funny, never saw that coming, and I don't think anyone else could have either. But how am I supposed to do this? I never knew my father so how would I know how to be one?'

Naruto stopped in the kitchen to get something to eat for breakfast. He knew he should make something for Akane too but couldn't make up his mind. Ramen didn't seem like a good idea, especially since Tsunade went on about how he shouldn't try to make every one of their meals ramen, no matter how much both liked it, or she'd get rough on him. Some toast and eggs seemed like a good generic way to start off now, then he'd ask her what she liked to eat.

'Hmm... that's another thing.' Naruto continued as he got some milk out for them both, planning on waking her up shortly. 'I should find out more about what she likes, dislikes, fears, and is capable of doing. So far we focused mostly on what she remembers and knows. I feel we've already covered that as best we can. So now... well... I guess get to know her as a person rather than a demon. Heh, sounds a little weird to say that.'

Having a small breakfast ready, Naruto returned to the young girl's room and pulled her blanket back. He saw she was curled up much like a calm puppy might sleep, wearing a set of green pajamas that went well with her red hair and now-revealed fox tails and ears. Apparently she transformed back into her human-fox hybrid form in her sleep, and Naruto wondered if it was a voluntary change or not. If it wasn't he'd have to work on that before she joined a ninja squad. Putting that thought aside for later, he lightly rubbed her shoulder. "Akane-chan, time to wake up."

Akane slowly stretched like a kitten might when it's waking up and yawned indiscreetly. With her eyes still closed she sat on her feet and hands like a fox and used her hind leg to scratch behind her ear. Naruto couldn't help but wonder how she could do that in a human-shape body, and decided he needed to add human behavior and habits to the list of things to teach her. After the scratch and some eye-rubbing Akane looked up at Naruto, still sitting like a fox, and smiled warmly. "Good morning Otou-san. What are we doing today?"

"First, breakfast. Then we're going to one of the training fields for something we need to do."

"Okay." Akane went ahead of Naruto and sat down at the table. Looking over the food, she got curious. "Is there any meat to go with it?"

'Oh yeah, she must have a carnivore appetite. Better keep that in mind from now on.' Naruto thought. "Sorry Akane-chan, I didn't think of that. Next time, I promise."

Akane ate the toast and eggs anyway, not enjoying it as much as she would some meat or at least something meat-flavored. Being a demon, she could eat more things than a normal fox could, but she still had a dietary preference similar to the animal. But she didn't complain about it; at least the eggs somewhat satisfied her animal side better than the bread did.

The two finished eating and left the apartment, but not before Akane transformed back into a normal human girl. Naruto picked her up, placed her on his back like a piggy-back ride, and jumped on rooftops to reach Training Ground 7, the first place he could think of. When there he let her down and did a quick survey of the area with shadow clones to make sure there was nobody there to overhear them. Sensing nobody, he felt better and dispersed them all.

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