Chapter 2

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Everyone present was shocked silent as the new child suddenly referred to Naruto as her father. Shino actually moved his sunglasses down a little to get a better look at the scene. Kiba and Hinata had no idea what to do, and Naruto was even more clueless. Akamaru got in closer and sniffed the girl, and one of her tails playfully batted his nose, making him moan in irritation.

Kiba decided to check out the girl's scent too, but he did so from a distance. "Naruto, that girl may look somewhat human, but her scent is all fox." Akamaru barked in agreement.

The nine-tailed child then looked over the members of Team Eight curiously. She also appeared to be sniffing them out as well. Everyone was anxious, and maybe even a little fearful, to see her reaction to them, but she just sat there in Naruto's lap, waiting.

Naruto couldn't hold in his question anymore. "Why did you just call me Otou-san?"

She looked up towards him. "What else would I call my daddy?"

This was probably the first time in history that Naruto had a deeper blush than Hinata.

"Little girl, what is your name?" Shino inquired, putting his sunglasses in their proper position.

The young girl's eyes pointed upwards for a moment. "I... I don't remember. What is my name, Otou-san?"

"Well... uhh... we just call you Kyuubi. You don't really have a name outside of that as far as we know."

"OK, but can I have a real name soon?" She asked in a cute way only kids could do and get away with.

"So, Kyuubi, what's the last thing you remember?" Shino inquired again, being the most rational of them all at the moment.

Kyuubi's eyes pointed upwards again for a little longer this time. "I can remember... well... being in some kind of cage and seeing Otou-san sometimes. I can't remember what we did or how he got me out though. I also remember some city in a forest that seems really familiar. And I remember these evil-looking red eyes on some old guy. That's about it." Nobody said anything, then she continued. "You all seem really familiar to me. Have we met before?"

Kiba and Hinata shook their heads. "Nope, but we're good friends of... well... your father I guess." Kiba struggled to tell her, not sure how to best phrase it.

"So you're pack?" Kyuubi asked.

"In a way." Kiba answered, now more confident in what he could say to her. "We're not family, but yes, we're pack." He saw the confused look on Naruto's face. "I'll explain later." He didn't have to explain anything to Hinata and Shino since they were already familiar with the Inuzuka way of thinking.

"Is there anything to eat?" Kyuubi asked, looking and sniffing around.

"In a moment." Hinata told her as they started setting up for dinner.

Kiba used a fire jutsu to light a campfire and Shino looked for edible plants. Naruto and Kiba looked thru their provisions to see what would be their main course. Naruto pulled out some ramen containers and Hinata filled a small pot with water with a water jutsu and set it to boil. Hinata then readjusted and zipped up Naruto's jacket so Kyuubi wouldn't be so exposed to them all or too uncomfortable in it. Kiba pulled out some beef jerky and ration bars and Kyuubi started drooling at the scent of them. He handed her a piece of jerky and she eagerly tore at it.

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